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Went to Blackfoot res. Saturday. We were fishing East of the dam in one of the coves. Got there at about 8:00 am, it must have been about -15 and didn't warm up much till about 3:00. We caught two small rainbows in all day, had a few other bites, but missed them.
Talked to a few other guys who said, until today they couldn't keep more than three poles in the water. No one was having any luck on Saturday, but it was a great day. Picture is of my friends boy praying to the fish gods!
What streams have you fished through out North America??? Blackfoot sounds like a cool lake... Many small lakes in California are stocked with rainbow trout... I've caught many using nightcrawers on a drop shot by trolling... Most of these lakes aren't very big, so trolling motor is allowed but big motors is not option... Some of these are close to Big Bear Mountain between Los Angelas and San Diego... I use to be based at Miramar, CA... We would spend some time down at Pacific Beach and Lahoya doing some salt water fishing....

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