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Fish type?
I fished at Utah Lake State Park last night (I didn't catch anything [mad]) but I saw dozens of fish jumping like crazy. I fished off the north jetty in a little cove by some reeds. There were some downed trees in the water which led to some snagging, but the fish were going nuts in that area. I was just wondering if anyone else was at Utah Lake State Park and happens to know what kind of fish were jumping all over? I was fishing from shore and couldn't get anything to bite, so I don't know what type of fish they were.
My guess is most likely carp.
+1 Carp, The bugs and mosquitos are out in the evenings and the carp love em
Most definitely a carp
yeah definitely sounds like carp. try putting a couple worms on a crappie rig and letting it sit on the bottom. seems to be what works best up here at cutler. Get ready for a fun fight if you hook into a big one.
That would make the most sense, I guess I just have never seen carp that active. Usually, I only see their heads come out of the water. Some of the ones last night were jumping completely out of the water. Are carp more active in the spring time? I always thought they were lazy bottom feeders.
They do seem to be very active in the spring but I have seen them jumping like that in the summer and fall also.
I started fishing Utah Lake mid-late summer last year, and all I ever saw was carp too lazy to do anything but stick their mouth above water to eat bugs. That is why I was unsure if these were carp or not. I wish they were more interested in eating my worm instead of jumping out of the water to tease me. I don't usually aim to catch carp, but with my current losing streak, I would happily take a carp if it meant catching a fish.
Strangely they don't tend to jump when hooked, just when they're jumping for no apparent reason like you observed. They do make blistering runs though and are a ton of fun to catch. I wonder if the carp in Cutler are active yet, that could be a fun option right now while I wait for ice out on the other still waters.
If you want to catch em there are a ton of posts on how to and everyone has a batch to use, but it a worm is not working on that day , try bread on a #4 hook, they will take one or the fighters.
I went to cutler two weeks ago and i couldn't even get a muddy buddy to bite. still a little cold i think.
Darn, I was afraid of that. This has been such a depressing and slow moving winter. I wish it would just end already.

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