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do i need a mushroom license?
ok heres a problem i have people telling me i need a license to look for mushrooms??this i never heard yes i might have found va fewheres pics
actualy, you do need a license to hunt mushrooms,

to get one, you have to make out a check payable to davetclown for 100 dollars, and send it along with the gps locations of where you are going to be hunting them at least 1 week befor you start hunting. Add 25 dollars and gps coords for every additional location [angelic]
you know the check will bounce and im bad with numbers but ill try..or you just ask for an invite that would work..ill be getting more next w2eekend
thanks for the offer, I couldnt make it out... got to much stuff to do...
well grabbed my pick axe and bucket and went a shroom minning yesterday.

I figured with the worm rains the past cople nights the shrooms would be jumping up waiving their banners every where and screaming come and get me..

the day started on the cool side, I got started about noon. but by the end of the day I found my self back in my parka and wearing gloves.

I visited an achent ash woods, new and dieing ash as far as the eye can see, the only problem there was the eye could not see a single shroom. After thuroughly going though that section of the woods, I came upon the edge and what to my wondering eye should apear? thousands and thousands of little tiny black brown and grey pine cones standing up like shrooms.

8 hours of nothin but skunk tail, by sun down the temps dipped back down below freezing

So on my way home because I did not want to go home empty handed, I went dumpster diving [angelic] ... found a giant styrofome box with lid in new shape, the size you use for worm beds. I also found a cople of those starter plant boxes, I will use those to get my maters going.
ive searched 100 bof those kinds of spots just to find the 5 or 6 that acctually have mushrooms in them..i guess thats why we have such a hard time revelling those spots..dont give up the perfect spot is there to find..

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