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What kind of braid and how to spool it
I want to start using braid on my spinning reels but I have no idea which kind of line to use or how to spool it. I was looking at fireline and spiderwire at the store but didn't know enough to know which one to chose. I just dont want to mess this up.

I use Fireline as well as PowerPro. Both have been great lines for me. Remember to but a small piece of masking tape or I use a small piece of bandaid strip, onto the spool before you put the line on. Other wise it will spin on the spool. Great trick with Fireline is that after a couple of years, I'll transfer that line to another spool. Now you have newer line at no cost. I can get 4 years worth of line for my saltwater rods.
I run mostly PowerPro, with some Spiderwire and Fireline mixed in.

I wrap my spool with a single layer of teflon tape prior to spooling up with new line, that way it doesn't get adhesive on it and it still provides a surface for the line to bite into.

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