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Second trip - 2 bass
Got out on Upper Otay last Saturday and caught 2 bass. First one was a solid 4 pounder and gut hooked himself BUT since only barbless hooks are all thats allowed on that lake, I was able to reach my hand down his gullet and free the hook. He swam off just fine and I'm sure he will be OK. Blood looked worse than it actually was. Second bass was a little one pound dink that would have easily fit down the gullet of the first one:o) All in all, a decent day on the lake. Weather was superb and I saw several other tubers catch several other bass but mine was the biggest I saw that day (those of us in close proximity usually hold up our catches to show each other when we catch something:o)
Nice going at the upper "O". Two bass is better then
no bass [Smile].
Was the gate to lake open or did you have to hike in?

those are some nice looking fish...

MacFly [cool]
Peter: yes, the gate was open thank goodness. I really hate having to trudge up and down that hill with all my gear even if I do load it all on a collapsible cart and pull it. It's just that loading and unloading the cart twice is a real pain and make the trip less fun than it is when I can drive and park within 10 feet of the lake and can also pretty much keep an eye on my Explorer the whole time I'm fishing. I really need to scope out some good launch sites around Lower Otay and start fishing that lake once in awhile:o)
Nice fish. Looks totally spawned out, or else it might have been a fiver.
Sounds good.
Keep at it.


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