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more surprize cat's..
after catching the cat at gunnison on the ice i needed to see if they were realy in there or if that was a fluk.. went down to a area i did well in years ago.. tommy had one brake him off and no more bites for a while.. so move to a diffrent area. first cast for tommy and he hook the big fish of the day with a 10 lbs cat!.. then next cast he had one pick him up he set the hook and it was like he hooked a yellowtail it ripped line off the reel for and 30 yards before it snaped the line.. that was fresh 14 lbs big game.. bummer that was a big fish.. we caught some carp jonny my other boy hooked a 8 lbs carp and I had one more cat on. befor it was time to go so i could cook mom her dinner! [angelic]..

thinking of makeing 1 or 2 runn's there again this week but in the boat.. get in to where the big's one are and away from the sticks some..

here are the pic's..
Nice Fuzz and Tommy! How do you get a pass on Mother's Day?
lol well that's why i had to leve early.. I had to cook my wife's mother's day dinner.. oh and i got all 4 boy's out of the house and out of her hair for a while to! [sly][angelic]
what was the stink bait of choice ron?
hey buddy whats up? the bait of choice today was sucker minnows.. tryed chub and anchovies as well.. sucker was the best bait we found..

BTW you are going to let me know when you know when fish lake is ice free right? lol.. tommy is chomping at the bit to get back and catch some of them mac's again this year..
Would the fishing at gunnison be better than e-lake? I am camping at paliSades the first weekend in june and i am taking all my nephews and nieces fishing. I need fast action what would you suggest?
Like Fuzzy has posted there are cats and carp (maybe a bass or two) in Gunnison, just not to many, or not enough to keep kids interest up. PaliSade would be your best bet that time of year they keep it clear full of planters, and there's a good chance of a nice tiger or two, too [sly]. Electric Lake June 1st, may not even be accessible, with all the extra snow we've had down here. However Electric is prime at ice off, who knows may be worth your time giving it a shot, weather providing...good luck.
well Caesar if your taking kidds and want to keep them in fish all day and a chance of catching a monster.. Gunnison is the place ya what to go!! was there yesterday weather sucked high winds, rain, cold cloudy.. did not catch any cat.s but did hit 2 carp over 15 lbs.. for a kidd to hit one like that wound make there year.. and very easy fishing just a worm, hook, bubble, and cast out.. we were useing minnows looking for cat's but i think it's still early for the cat's yet.. the runoff has not even hit yet and the way it's going it's looking alot like it's going to be one heck of a water year again this year..
Thanks for the info Ron catching carp would be fun for the kids especially a big one! Gonna have to see how the weather behaves that weekend.

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