06-02-2010, 08:02 PM
[#000080]I exchanged mail with Larry Dalton, Aquatic Invasive Species Coordinator, UDWR yesterday with regard to the new programs they are working on. I asked if we as a fishing community could do anything to help with this important effort in controling the invasive species migration. He sent me the following text and I thought it appropriate to put his comments on this forum.[/#000080]
[#000080]He said, "Anything you can do to cause/urge our anglers to understand that felt soled wading shoes put our fisheries at risk from aquatic invasive species would be helpful. There are good, cost competitive products available to our anglers, and they can help prevent the spread of AIS by getting rid of felt soled waders.[/#000080]
[#000080]Additionally, anglers need to routinely clean their waders between stream segments or bodies of water. Sometimes an AIS lives in one segment, but has not spread to the next upstream or downstream segment or nearby lake. Cleaning waders with Chlorox brand 409 is easy, cheap and should become routine for anglers."[/#000080]
[#000080]He said, "Anything you can do to cause/urge our anglers to understand that felt soled wading shoes put our fisheries at risk from aquatic invasive species would be helpful. There are good, cost competitive products available to our anglers, and they can help prevent the spread of AIS by getting rid of felt soled waders.[/#000080]
[#000080]Additionally, anglers need to routinely clean their waders between stream segments or bodies of water. Sometimes an AIS lives in one segment, but has not spread to the next upstream or downstream segment or nearby lake. Cleaning waders with Chlorox brand 409 is easy, cheap and should become routine for anglers."[/#000080]