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Decent day on the middle Provo...
Got to the middle around 9 am, weather stayed pretty decent until 3 pm when we left. Water is up but it is still clear. I ended up playing camera man for my buddy, we caught about the same amount of fish but none of mine were very picture worthy.

Hot bugs were PT Emerger, Barr Emerger, BH PT and I nailed a couple on a streamer, kind of a conehead Sculpin with a brown body. Here are my buddies fish, mine has the streamer in it's mouth.
looks like a good day on the water to me... :-)

MacFly [cool]
way to get after them! we need to fish some time this fall
I have Thurs. Fri. and Sat. off, I usally fish one or two of my days off. Let me know.
looks like a great day. how were the crowds? I was there about three weeks ago and it was pretty crowded.hard to find a decent hole to fish in.
Not bad since it was a weekday and the weather was unsettled, I rarely fish the middle up near the dam (Lunker Alley area) because I hate crowds. There were a few guys there and a couple of guides with clients but we pretty much had our section to ourselves.

I usually fish the middle down below Midway, a little less crowded (but not much) but the holes are a little farther apart

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