06-24-2010, 04:38 PM
I recently went on a fishing trip to Lke Tahoe. We were fishing with a local guide for Lake Trout and I learned some new things that I thought may work on some of our local reservoirs like Strawberry for Cutthrouts and at Flaming Gorge. One of the things I learned was how to rig minnows as bait. We were using fresh minnows caught that morning. I began to wonder if this is allowable in Utah so I looked in our trusty guidebook and found the following:
Utah Admin. Rule R657-13-12
Several rules pertain to the use of bait in Utah:
• Use or possession of corn, hominy or live baitfish while fishing is unlawful.
• Use or possession of tiger salamanders (live or dead) while fishing is unlawful.
• Use or possession of any bait while fishing on waters designated artificial fly and lure only is unlawful.
• Use or possession of artificial baits which are commercially imbedded or covered with fish or fish parts while fishing is unlawful.
• Use or possession of bait in the form of fresh or frozen fish or fish parts while fishing is unlawful, except as provided below:
• Dead Bonneville cisco may be used as bait only in Bear Lake.
• Dead yellow perch may be used as bait only in Deer Creek, Echo, Fish Lake, Gunnison, Hyrum, Johnson, Jordanelle, Mantua, Mill Meadow, Newton, Pineview, Rockport, Starva­tion, Utah Lake, Willard Bay and Yuba reservoirs. • Dead white bass may be used as bait only in Utah Lake and the Jordan River.
• Dead shad from Lake Powell may be used as bait only in Lake Powell. It is illegal to remove dead shad from the Glen Canyon National Recreation Area.
• Dead, fresh or frozen salt water spe­cies including sardines and anchovies may be used as bait in any water where bait is permitted.
• Dead mountain sucker, white sucker, Utah sucker, redside shiner, speckled dace, mottled sculpin, fat head minnow, Utah chub and common carp may be used as bait in any water where bait is permitted.
• The eggs of any species of fish caught in Utah, except prohibited fish, may be used in any water where bait is permitted.
• Use of live crayfish for bait is legal only on the water where the crayfish is captured. It is unlawful to transport live crayfish away from the water where they were captured.
• Commercially prepared and chemically treated baitfish or their parts may be used as bait in any water where bait is permitted.
• Manufactured, human-made items that may not be digestible—including items that have been chemically treated with food stuffs, chemical fish attractants or feeding stimulants—may not be used on waters where bait is prohibited.
I have noticed many posts in the past about using minnows as bait in Utah as long as they are dead. This is true if they are commercially prepared, but as I understand it, it is not legal to use fresh or frozed minnows you catch yourself except in specific waters as listed under the exception section. Have I missed something?
Utah Admin. Rule R657-13-12
Several rules pertain to the use of bait in Utah:
• Use or possession of corn, hominy or live baitfish while fishing is unlawful.
• Use or possession of tiger salamanders (live or dead) while fishing is unlawful.
• Use or possession of any bait while fishing on waters designated artificial fly and lure only is unlawful.
• Use or possession of artificial baits which are commercially imbedded or covered with fish or fish parts while fishing is unlawful.
• Use or possession of bait in the form of fresh or frozen fish or fish parts while fishing is unlawful, except as provided below:
• Dead Bonneville cisco may be used as bait only in Bear Lake.
• Dead yellow perch may be used as bait only in Deer Creek, Echo, Fish Lake, Gunnison, Hyrum, Johnson, Jordanelle, Mantua, Mill Meadow, Newton, Pineview, Rockport, Starva­tion, Utah Lake, Willard Bay and Yuba reservoirs. • Dead white bass may be used as bait only in Utah Lake and the Jordan River.
• Dead shad from Lake Powell may be used as bait only in Lake Powell. It is illegal to remove dead shad from the Glen Canyon National Recreation Area.
• Dead, fresh or frozen salt water spe­cies including sardines and anchovies may be used as bait in any water where bait is permitted.
• Dead mountain sucker, white sucker, Utah sucker, redside shiner, speckled dace, mottled sculpin, fat head minnow, Utah chub and common carp may be used as bait in any water where bait is permitted.
• The eggs of any species of fish caught in Utah, except prohibited fish, may be used in any water where bait is permitted.
• Use of live crayfish for bait is legal only on the water where the crayfish is captured. It is unlawful to transport live crayfish away from the water where they were captured.
• Commercially prepared and chemically treated baitfish or their parts may be used as bait in any water where bait is permitted.
• Manufactured, human-made items that may not be digestible—including items that have been chemically treated with food stuffs, chemical fish attractants or feeding stimulants—may not be used on waters where bait is prohibited.
I have noticed many posts in the past about using minnows as bait in Utah as long as they are dead. This is true if they are commercially prepared, but as I understand it, it is not legal to use fresh or frozed minnows you catch yourself except in specific waters as listed under the exception section. Have I missed something?