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SF River 7-12-10
I've been working too hard, and my wife and kids are out of town, so I hit the Spanish Fork river for the first time. I can't believe I've lived here 10+ years, and have never fished it before.

Tonight, I started at about 7pm and fished until 9pm. Biggest fish was 18", with a few around 15-16", and a bunch of little ones.

[Image: sf10.jpg]
The first one I got was a nice one, and came out of a fairly deep hole. I was AMAZED at how many awesome troughs there on this river....

[Image: sf7.jpg]
This one for example, you can see on the left where it is really shallow then just drops off. The part of the river where I was was also fairly easy to wade and walk through. The deepest part I waded through went to just above my knees.

I stopped counting how many I caught, but most were fairly small, about 10" was average for the smaller ones.

[Image: sf8.jpg]
Little ones like this guy are all over the place. What they lacked in size they made up for in fight and striking colors.

[Image: sf3.jpg]
The scenery throughout the river was breathtaking. In this pic, you can see the types of stumps in the middle, and all the overhanging trees that the trout would sit under.

[Image: sf4.jpg]
As it got a little later, the bigger fish started to get more active. This one came out of this hole....

[Image: sf2.jpg]
Again, there were SO many sweet holes and places where the water came in fast, then spread into a slow moving deeper area. Trout heaven.

[Image: sf12.jpg]
This was a perfect hole. The bank to the left held fish, the hole to the right against the rocks held a 16"er, and there was a little one under the tree at the top.

[Image: sf6.jpg]
The 16"er from the hole above. It hit the spinner as soon as it landed in the water right next to a big rock. Boom.

[Image: sf1.jpg]
Here's the spinner I used the whole time. I forget what they're called.

[Image: sf5.jpg]
All of them were released quickly. This one went 18", and was FAT!

[Image: sf11.jpg]
Another release.

I will definitely be back!
What a great report! Thanks for sharing these pics. Your spinner looks like a rooster tail maybe? That will be my new "home water" in a couple of weeks. I've never really fished it but have always wanted to.
Fantastic! Years ago, I used to fish those rivers. Looks like they're still producing nicely.
I have always wondered about the SF river. Whenever I fish Diamond Fork, or Thistle, or head up to the Price River I look at the SF. I am usually looking in the main canyon, and it's almost always running muddy.

Were you fishing below the canyon?

Considering that I have caught some nice brownies in Diamond Fork and Thistle over the years, It's no surprise to see some good sized ones in the SF.

Nice fish!
Doesnt really look like the SF river. Looks a lot like the creek that runs through the river bottoms.

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