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Rockport last Saturday
This year for their daddy daughter trip Kate wanted to come down to Utah and come "fishing with Matt". Saturday morning I was a bit nervous but brought them up to Rockport looking for some fishies. Decided to start out with drop shot rigs and see if they could handle it, I shouldn't have worried. The fishing wasn't fantastic but we all got bites. I hooked the first one and quickly traded rods with kate, a nice little smallie and the biggest fish she'd ever caught. Needless to say she was tickled pink and kept pulling up the stringer to look at it.
After a couple hours she was ready to trade up from the kiddie pole to my spinning rig and by the end of the day she was a pro! I had her using a drop shot and wacky rigged senko and as we were drifting across some structure she starts screaming and her rod bends like she's got a good fish on. Sure enough, she brought in the biggest fish of the trip and never stopped smiling. Biggest fish of her life and all by herself, i'm sure i've recruited another sucker for bass fishing! we caught fish on white and watermelon/purple senkos wacky rigged. Lost tons of setups and I only caught one fish but that was one of my better trips this year!

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