08-18-2010, 03:01 PM
Yesterday the kid wanted to go fishing, and was very insistent upon it. I've known about a spot at Ririe for a couple years that I suspected holds a decent group of perch and have been wanting to see if it was consistent or not. So off we went. I also took the opportunity to try out the concept of a a drift boat at Ririe. Anyway, took a while to weave through the joyriders (which were unusually courteous yesterday!) and get to the spot. I started throwing small jigs w/ a piece of worm on there. Initially we didn't get anything so we moved about 50 feet and tried again. Pretty quick it was fish on! The action was hit and miss but steady enough to keep a 4 yr old entertained. In the end we boated 10 perch, all 9 1/2 to 11 inches. I lost one as I tried to put it on the stringer though. The highlight of the outting though was my son hooking, setting and reeling in his 1st fish without any assistance! Not sure who was more excited, him or me [
