08-15-2003, 02:40 AM
there i was sending a reply to japanron , i just finished typing ( pecking - really ) my reply to him and i hit the post reply button . at least i thought it was that button , it could have been the power off button . whoops !
how was i to know that clicking on that one little button would send 50 million people into darkness . shutting down three nuclear power plants here in michigan alone . airports closed , trains stopped and traffic was at a standstill .
i stared at the black screen , i thought , oh boy , now you've done it ! the old lady is gonna kick my tail or worst yet NAG me for a few days . i've been acused of pushing peoples buttons the wrong way before , but to the tune of 50 million of them , heck thats a new record even for me . i have aften thought this was the most powerfull site on the internet , but gee-wiz , i should have been warned about that button .
maybe nobody will notice . maybe they'll just think a fuse blew or something trivial like that , thoes were the thoughts i was thinking untill some blabber mouth reporter started yelling it out over the radio . the jerk !
i bet he was the class tattletale growing up too ! thoes kids always got me into trouble day after day . "teacher , lonehunter put a snake in your desk , teacher , lonehunter was peeking in the cheerleaders shower room , teacher , lonehunter was smiling as you spanked him . yep , those kind of kids always got me in trouble all the time . i was really a model student otherwise .
i hope that reporters car runs out of gas in the middle of a normally busy intersection when the lights start working again . yea , that will show him what it's like to make a simple mistake that goes into a bigtime problem !
maybe i can start a rumor on somebody else causing this mess , but who ? was any of you guys fixing a toaster or something at that time ? i promise i won't let anyone know it might have been your fault .
how was i to know that clicking on that one little button would send 50 million people into darkness . shutting down three nuclear power plants here in michigan alone . airports closed , trains stopped and traffic was at a standstill .
i stared at the black screen , i thought , oh boy , now you've done it ! the old lady is gonna kick my tail or worst yet NAG me for a few days . i've been acused of pushing peoples buttons the wrong way before , but to the tune of 50 million of them , heck thats a new record even for me . i have aften thought this was the most powerfull site on the internet , but gee-wiz , i should have been warned about that button .
maybe nobody will notice . maybe they'll just think a fuse blew or something trivial like that , thoes were the thoughts i was thinking untill some blabber mouth reporter started yelling it out over the radio . the jerk !
i bet he was the class tattletale growing up too ! thoes kids always got me into trouble day after day . "teacher , lonehunter put a snake in your desk , teacher , lonehunter was peeking in the cheerleaders shower room , teacher , lonehunter was smiling as you spanked him . yep , those kind of kids always got me in trouble all the time . i was really a model student otherwise .
i hope that reporters car runs out of gas in the middle of a normally busy intersection when the lights start working again . yea , that will show him what it's like to make a simple mistake that goes into a bigtime problem !
maybe i can start a rumor on somebody else causing this mess , but who ? was any of you guys fixing a toaster or something at that time ? i promise i won't let anyone know it might have been your fault .