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You may have noticed on the Fish and Game fishing reports that they plan to plant 1.7 million fingerlings in the next two weeks. Wow! That is what is called aggressive planting. Mike
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I wonder what percent will reach the 20" mark? I know Henrys has a huge population of fish, but they also have the food to back it up.
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I sure hope they move the closing date to January 31 . They say 80% of the fish die of old age and the mortality rate from anglers is only 5% . Curt G.
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And I hope it stays the same or even goes back to the problem with fish stunted growth.
I thought it fit that my 36" died at home and probably fed quite a few..but I can still have that mount from the measurements and the pictures.
More and more people are going to Henry's every year. I have seen the masses grow. The majority are Harvesting. I even keep "One" LOL
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I have to agree that I think that they ought to be very careful about considering an extension much past where it is now. At the most maybe Dec31 so that there is some safe ice.
My reasoning is that Henrys is a well mapped lake. The spring holes and other areas where the fish will be more prone to congregate in the winter are well known. Will this make the fish there more vulnerable under the ice? Maybe I am guessing wrong on that. Do they congregate around the springs and inlet areas in the winter?
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How will the planting effect fishing?
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Probably about the same. F&G have planted about a million to one and a half million fry or fingerlings just about ever year for the last ten years at least.
A minnow imitation might work well!
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I will answer my own question since I found out the answer today from a reliable source.
My source says that 30% will survive the 1st year. I still don't know after that.
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As I understand it the first winter is the key one. Good survival of the fingerlings is mostly dependent on the lake water level and oxygen over the winter. Some years are better than others.
By the way, the fingerlings are not plantings from somewhere else. These fry are from Henry's Lake spawned fish. Basically they are given a good start, some hybrids are made, and some are sterilized, then they are put back. Extras go elsewhere.
I also found that I am mostly wrong on how the fish winter there. About 73% of the fish they tagged moved around the shoreline and other areas of the lake, while 27% were less active. But I still am not sure a long ice season won't put a hurt on the fish.
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There was a big article on changing the season dates in last week's Post Register paper. It basically said the F&G wants more fish harvested basically. Why not increase the limit up a little from 2 fish instead of changing the season dates again?
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Why? It seems sixes either way.................
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In this weeks Post Register it says for a water to remain healthy and grow large fish it needs 20% harvest . Henry's is at 5% per year . The biologists say the increased harvest would only help the lake . All the protest are from peoples feeling not the facts . I wonder if drilling holes in the ice all winter would also help with the oxygen level in the lake ? Some years there is a winter kill . Because as the moss dies it creates a gas the removes the air from the water . would the holes let the gas escape and not deplete the oxygen ? I don't know just asking . Curt G.
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I totally agree on getting the facts. And as I said before, what will be will be.
One fact is this lake has produced MONSTERS for many, many years, but all of a sudden (in the past 2 or 3) it needs change?
More and more people visit Henrys every year...they are taking fish....longer season, they are taking, my question, is that 5% a generic figure? Is it a current figure, if so...OMG what did it use to be when not so many fished it and I am talking 5 years ago.
It takes a lot longer to fix bad decisions.
Plus, sometimes I get the feeling it really doesn't matter what we the people want...the all mighty $ prevails [  ]
And like I said, with Utah river access or lack of laws, Ice Fishing could be in my future[  ]
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I don't know on the ice holes letting gases out, but they keep very close tabs on the oxy level there. They have some kind of aeration system they can use if the levels indicate that they need to.
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This has been a strange year only about half as many people . The parking lot at the state boat dock has been mostly empty all summer . Only on Holidays has it been close to full. I am sure it will pickup from now on the rest of the season . I am an avid ice fisherman . I have all the eqipment to make it comfortable on the ice . If they do extend the season and you and any of your friends would like to try it . I would be glad to help . I have only ice fished it once . That was last year just before it closed and the ice was only 2 1/2 " I won't do that again . I need thicker ice . I caught 7 fish that day and didn't keep any . The fish are better eating out of Island Park Res. Curt G.
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Don't forget we have a number of rivers up here that are open year around too. Just that it isn't very close to home for you, which is a shame about Utah's waters! I just hope that they don't try that here too.
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Huh...? Daily bag limit is 2 fish period. If you wanted to go there for only a day then why not increase the limit to 4 or 6 to make the drive a little more worth while?
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I am well aware of what the limit is on Henrys. But, you said increase the daily bag limit instead of the season and I was just wondering........... why?
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You bring up an interesting thought. What is "worthwhile" is different for every person.
Just speaking for myself two fish seem very worthwhile because I can take two fish home and they are big enough that I can have a feast even with my large family.
If I had to look at it. I didn't take a fish home on 90% of my trips this year. I am not saying that should be the case for everyone. I am just saying for me fishing is a worthwhile experience just as an experience in an of itself. Every lake or river I fish offers something different. The fun part is I never know what it is that I am going to find in my day until the day is over.
I understand the need to justify a long trip by bringing some meat home. On the other hand I could never bring home enough meat to justify the dollars spent on fishing as a way to feed the family.
For example, last weekend Steelfisher and I went to Weston and Condie for some bass fishing. We spent around $50 in gas, $5 on ibuprofen (for my shoulder from casting too much[cool]), $4 on a box of Fat Boys (We ate three each and felt a little sick all part of the experience), at least $15 on worn out plastics. I bought a new pair of $50 walmart neopreme waders since my other ones finally had too many holes. Not to mention wear and tear on Steelfishers Truck and Driftboat.
We caught well over 100 fish yet if you do the math even if we could have kept all of them they would be very expensive fillets.
Just my two cents
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Quite the list there Wind...LOL
I don't think the fish over 24" taste that good, but I guess smoking is the key ingredient.
I get the raise the bag limit. That makes some sense to me. Also, if people like me DID keep one now and then.
Now this is just a question because I haven't ice fished, but read about it. Doesn't it open the door to more garbage, more police so to speak, more chances to poach?
Oh and thanks Curt...I would need all the help I can get.
Cindy, I love the rivers, but those big chunks of ice coming down while I am standing in the middle of the snake was an experience.[shocked]