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Another cheater
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Angler caught in net of charges for alleged tournament cheating

Bass fisherman accused of fraud and grand theft.By [url ""][/url]TONY BRITT[/url]
Published: Thursday, September 2, 2010 6:11 AM EDT
A Chiefland man faces numerous charges in connection with alleged cheating at weekly bass tournaments in Dixie County on the Suwannee River.

Cedric Jerome Perry, who was arrested Monday night, reportedly confessed to catching fish in other lakes and then bringing them to the weigh-in at the Joe Anderson Boat Ramp in Old Town, according to reports released Wednesday by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission.

Perry, 31, is charged with fraud, grand theft, fishing license and bag-limit violations. Authorities reportedly had Perry under surveillance for close to a month.

Perry received more than $1,000 as winner of the 2010 Columbia High Quarterback Club Open Bass Tournament.

Tournament officials declined comment on Perry’s arrest and FWC officials did not indicate whether foul play was suspected in Perry’s June 19 tournament win.

According to FWC reports, officer Sam Dishman received information about the possibility of cheating occurring at the weekly tournaments and suspicions arose when Perry began winning numerous tournaments and catching fish when no one else was catching quality stringers.

Perry was under surveillance at another tournament on Aug. 10.

“These tournaments generally start at 5:30 p.m. and last until around 8:30 p.m. We watched him the entire time and didn’t see him catch much,” said FWC investigator Larry Ayers in a prepared statement.

At the weigh-in Perry had five fish, including an 8- and 9-pound bass.

“We never saw him catch either of these fish,” Ayers said. “Perry also won this tournament.”

Perry participated in another tournament on Aug. 17, and FWC officers continued their surveillance of his activities.

While other officers watched Perry, Ayers and another FWC officer checked his vehicle at the public boat ramp by looking through the window, where they saw a cooler on the passenger floor board and reported hearing an aerator running in the truck.

After discovering the aerator, officers switched the focus of their investigation and began watching Perry’s vehicle.

“When he got to the truck, he removed the cooler and put it in his boat,” Ayers said. “There were fish in the cooler. He put them with the other fish he caught during the tournament.”

Perry won the tournament.

After the weigh-in, officers approached him and interviewed him about the fish.

“He explained he caught those fish that morning at Clay Landing,” Ayers said. “He also said he had caught the two fish he won the Aug. 10 tournament with at Orange Lake.”

During their investigation, officers also discovered that Perry didn’t’ have a valid fishing license and there were additional fish on his boat, putting him over the bag limit.
Some people will win no matter the cost. Just goes to show you theres always someone tryen to cheat the system. I remember reading couple weeks back about some bass angler who shoved weights down the fishs throat before weigh in at a lake mead bass tourney, forget the guys name though he was banned from fishing pro for life.
dirty dog

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