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Utah Lake Commission videos
Today looking over a few fishing videos on youtube about utah lake I stumbled into a set of videos that give a really nice overview of the history of the lake, it's use, condition past and present, june sucker program efforts, etc...

After reading some of what TubeDude has in some of his chapters on Utah Lake it was really fun to see a focused bit of info in video form that helped shed some more light on the past of Utah Lake for many things I just never knew about.

It takes a bit of time to get through all the videos but I think it is worth the watch. If you look you will see there are 8 chapters to watch plus some extra segments. So if your up for it start with chapter 1 and move on till you get done with chapter 8.

Other link just for informational reference:
Mighty worthwhile! Be sure to watch every segment.
[cool][#0000ff]Nice going. I have had a CD of all those videos and the accompanying book that I got through the June Sucker Recovery Program for quite a while. It has been a great resource for history and background information on my own writings.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I had heard they were trying to get that onto a public Utube. Glad they did it. It should help a lot more people learn more about Utah Lake and appreciate the efforts that are being made to restore it to respectability.[/#0000ff]
Nice Information, I've had this DVD for a couple years now, always wishing they put put it on youtube or the like. Glad to see that they did! The documentary is a great resource. Thanks for posting! I think personally this should be required viewing for all the schools that are teaching utah history to the kids.
Thanks for the link! I watched all eight episodes and also the one about the carp removal. Very informative. Does anyone know if the carp removal is still going on? And are they doing it at different locations around the lake?
[cool][#0000ff]Not sure if there is seining activity at present. As I was told, there is an annual contract and it is broken down into increments. Each one is approved and funded individually.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]You can get further information at:[/#0000ff]
For additional information on the program or the resources available,
please contact Reed Harris at 801-538-7420 or e-mail [url ""] [/url]
Bill and his crew were down at Provo BH a few weeks ago with the nets and fish boats. The belt and stuff were a little ways up the river with the big trucks too. As of last week all that has been moved, so I don't know where or if the are still doing netting.

Shawn M
Thanks for posting that.

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