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MadBomber, RiverPark, Spots, 9-10-10, Gary
It's always a great treat to take someone out who has never done any real bass fishing. Gary and I fished from about 10:30 until a little after 3. We spent most of our time on the rip-rap around Mocassin Bend. Gray threw a Bandit and I went back & forth between Bandit and a chartreuse Bass Assassin on a 1/32 oz head. We stuck 37 fish (MB count) all spots except 1 LM, 2 SM and a Gar. The gar was Gary's first fish of the day and just about freaked him out. It was about 3 feet long and was a monster to him. I'm glad it got off at the boat!! Check out the pug-nosed smallie. I've seen some deformed fish in my day, but this one almost looked like a new species.

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