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drumking, chickamauga, crappie, 9/22/10, Hal
Hal and I had a wonderful 1/2 day of fishing today. Very productive AM after a slow start. The first couple of docks only produced a few fish. I think that these fish have been abused. emoBigSmile <br /><br />Then we tried an off shore structure and hit the jackpot. Several nice crappie and Hal caught a slimer. About a 2 lb bluecat. Then off to a community dock where we doubled right off the bat. Then a couple more fish before they quit biting there. We hit another off shore structure and Hal caught a nice keeper sized crappie and I got one of the two bluegills that we caught. We tried a vertical structure with no success. Not a bite.<br /><br />Onward we ran to yet another dock where Hal scored with a crappie, but it was the Lone Ranger and Tonto was no where to be found. Then we hit a really good dock. Fishing from one direction, we got no bites, but decided to change the angle of the dangle and voila, the game was on. Best crappie of the day. We caught a limit from under this one dock before they quit biting. We hit the only bluff structure then and I added a nice crappie and Hal got the other bluegill. We were going to fish a little bit more, but I got a phone call and had to get off the water. <br /><br />Our total for the day: 38 crappie, 2 bluegills, 3 spotted bass, and 1 catfish. All fish released. I used 1/32 oz jigheads with crystal shad panfish assassins about 1/2 of the time and the other 1/2 I used a mo glo bg ghost with a tail light. Hal changed lures quite a bit. I'll let him tell what all he used.<br /><br />Good day, my friend. Let's do this again soon. emoBigSmile emoGeezer

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