09-29-2010, 09:00 AM
Dad and I booked an eight hour trip with Rogne Brown for today. It always rains when I fish with Rogne for some reason...lol. We let out at 7am and fished 'til 4pm. We boated well over 40 fish today including a 7lber, 5lber, and several 3lbers. Did I mention that it rained like pouring water out of a boot? :-) Our five fish limit would have easily weighed over 20lbs. For everyone that doesn't know, Rogne Brown is the MAN! If you haven't fished with Rogne, he is a great guide and an awesome teacher. His website is http://www.tnriverguide.com. Thanks for the trip Rogne! We had a blast. emoThumbsup emoThumbsup