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Wilson Ponds 10-1
I was in the mood to catch something after getting skunked my last two trips out. So I headed out to Wilson Ponds in Nampa to have some fun with the stocker trout.

I fished in the littlest pond, from a little after 6 until dark and got a limit of dinky 9 inchers. But it was fun to catch them. They were all hooked right in the lip and released. I was really tempted to sneak them over into the trophy pond, where they'd at least get a chance to grow up a little.

The magic combination seemed to be a Berkley Power Honey Worm fished about 16" under a bobber. Usually I'd get a bite within a few minutes. If you want to relax and bring a kid or two who don't care about size to get some fish, the trout are there and willing.
Thanks for the report. I was thinking of trying the stream that runs through there this weekend. Again, I'm sure I won't catch anything huge, but at least it's fishing.
I haven't been out there for a long time- but I remember fishing the trophy pond in October- at least 13 or 14 years ago- using a black wooly bugger pulled behind a clear casting bubble, I nearly got my arm pulled out of the socket. Landed some monsters and lost even more. Are there any biggun's left in the trophy pond these days, or has it been all poached out?
The last 15 times I've been there, the trophy pond was pretty much poached out.

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