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MrWiskers, Riverpark, Work Tourny - 1st Place, 10-23-2010, Ashley
<br /> Yesterday we had our company picnic and our sort of annual bass tourny. Our last tourny was in 2007 and in that one I blew my powerhead on my Yamaha. Hoped this year would be better. We had 4 boats (8 fisherman total) fish and work put up the prizes so no entry fee. So you have a 25% chance to win with no investment. Sweet. We had a few CFFers in the mix: Sandskeeter fished with Tyler Ware, AlvinC with his son and I fished with Ashley. Tourny was from 7:15 to 10:30. <br /> I had a plan to get a quick limit of spots and then go downriver and get a kicker LM. So at daybreak we hit the bridge pillings downtown. Got a skunk off the first one. Got a short of the second one. Hit a eddy pocket and missed a 3 lb largemouth on a frog (starting to really like the frog). Finally got a decent keeper off the 3rd pilling around 1.75 lbs. <br /> Left downtown due to time and went down river to my honey hole. Well, the area me and my mom did well on is a place that usually has a barge on it and I gambled that the barge would not be there again. It was.emoBang So that derailed my master plan. So we hit a bank that usually produces some fish to try to get a keeper LM or two. I immediatly lose a keeper spot on a pig n jig and miss about 5-6 fish on the frog (small fish, but still fun to watch them hit it). Ashley lost one on a spinnerbait on this bank.<br /> We left that bank and went to the other side of the river where I got our only LM of the day, a 14.8 incher on pig n jig.<br /> With only an hour or so to go I headed back to the bridge pillings to at least get a limit of spots. One the first pilling I got a keeper spot on a Sammy (only 12.1" long, but still a keeper). Then I stick another nice spot on the Sammy, around 1.75 lbs. We then moved to the next pilling and I stick our best fish of the day on a Sammy, 2.8 lb chunk of a spot. We hit a few more pilling and ran out of time. Ended up boating 12 spots and a largemouth.<br /> But, we had enough to win. Had just over 6.5 lbs with 3 spots. Not too bad. We lost big fish to a 3.25 lb smallie but will take first anyday. <br /> To make the win even sweeter, me and Tyler had a $20 side bet. Pretty sweet.

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