11-25-2010, 10:00 AM
<br /> Jim and I put in Kings Slough around noon. Water level was 825.45FT A good 3&#43; FT below full pool. Still has another 3 to 4 feet to go. Once the level gets below 825FT you will have to back off the end of the ramp to put in with most of your truck in the water. Atleast with a bass boat. <br /> We started the day off fishing 2 points. The first one I managed a decent 16.5&amp;quot; spot in 28-29FT of water on the top of the point off the dropshot.<br /> http://i244.photobucket.com/albums/gg9/c....jpg<br /> Only had one other bite there. The second point, we fish it for a good while. Eventually a little one takes the dropshot. Got him close to the boat when a HUGE 5-6lb spot comes out of nowhere trying to get my worm from the small fish. Ugh emoVomit It was absolutely huge. You could tell it was really fat. Just sitting 2 FT away from the boat. Saw the fish swim back down on the graph to the bottom in about 30FT of water. Dropped the dropshot down of course. Nothing....<br /> Moved onto fish some bluff walls. The first bluff is one I have had a huge school of fish sitting there the last few weeks. Its a little pocket in the bluff and the fish have been sitting there in about 25-40 feet of water. Of course they wouldn&#39;t bite there. Next bluff we start hanging into a couple fish on the Float and fly. Only small ones. But then a better spot pulls the float down, set the hook. Sun is shining straight into my eyes and I can tell there is something messed up with the fish while its underwater fighting. Pull it up and Jim says &amp;quot;THAT IS THE WORST CASE OF ICHY IVE EVER SEEN!&amp;quot; The fish looked terrible and did not fight too well. Just take a look for yourselves.... http://i244.photobucket.com/albums/gg9/c....jpg<br /> Looked like a fungus was growing on the fish. <br /> We then moved on to another deep pocket that has been holding big schools of fish for the last 2 months now. Caught 4 or 5 spots there quickly before they caught on. All were tiny! <br /> Pretty much after that we just could not buy a bite. Managed 3 or 4 more small spots in the next 3 hours or so. Parksville has been the dead sea lately as far as Im concerned. The ones that are suspending shallow enough will take the FnF, but there are hardly any fish at all even suspending other than the really deep schools. <br /> Fishing has been very bad lately on the &amp;quot;dead sea&amp;quot;... I blame it on the warm weather. What else? It&#39;s usually awesome this time of the year. Hopefully the cooler weather is here to stay when it comes in this weekend. <br /> Water temps were 57.9F when we got there and eventually got to 59.4F. <br />Have a great Thanksgiving everyone! Dont ever remember it being in the 70s around Thanksgiving LOL.