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Scofield 11/24
Every year I try to be the first to ice fish Scofield. Went up last Saturday and couldn't find more than 2 inches of rotten ice. Couldn't make it back up to Wednesday but was surprised to find the whole lack capped. The ice was only 1 inch thick everywhere but the dam arm and even the dam arm was still only 2-2.5 inches in most places. Found 3.5 inches in one area and set up shop.

Fishing was extremely fast for 10-12 inchers. Was lucky enough to nail 3 large tigers, 21, 21.5 and 25.5. The big one was a female while the other two were beautiful males. If the 25.5 would have had the color and shape of either of the two males, it would be going on the wall. The bigger one put up a great fight making 4 or 5 awesome runs and several death rolls right under the ice. All released to love another day (and I hope the big one made it - took her outside for pictures and she looks frozen but was only out for 60 seconds and she swam off super strong).

Fished in 12-14 ft of water and it was insanely cold and windy. Without a tent, it would have been torture. Be careful venturing on the ice right now for anyone who is taking kids or who doesn't go out much. It is hard to eyeball right now so drill several test holes on your way out. I will be out again Saturday morning with Orvis so stop by and say hello if you are out.

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Does this mean the big fish are comin back?i think yes!!! i defiantly need to make a trip there this season!!!
The big fish have always been there but they are full on small bows, cutts and chubs. It takes some luck, a good location and some specific techniques. But I am sure we'll see a few good ones this year.
Chubs are the devils fish!
Jacksonman, beautiful fish, but if you're going to release trout don't put your fingers in their gills. There have been many studies showing that most trout handled this way do not survive. They are far more delicate than many other types of fish such as pike, etc...
Sunrise on the water
I usually don't put fingers in the gills but it was so cold and I was trying to take quick pictures to get them back in the water. Thanks for the reminder though.

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