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wrap your lure
The Baitfish Wrapper

You'll need fresh frozen minnows or sardines to transform your lure into a top producer. Will it work without the fillet? Yes. But not as well. You may get bit, but they won't always hang on without the bait-smell filling their senses. This operation will require a sharp knife, small cutting board, (your wife won't mind) and a pair of scissors. Cut a full side fillet off your sardine or minnow (knife) and trim it to size (scissors). It should be about a third as long as the lure, and include a lengthwise cut halfway through the fillet to fit around the lure's belly screw eye, which can be turned out a few turns to make room. Position it skin side down centered on the screw eye. Two pound test mono. Wrap it on with twenty-to-thirty wraps. Finish the mono wrap with several half hitches, (if your bait is firm). Your fillet should be changed often, at least every hour. Wrapping your plug with a sardine fillet is a chore, but worth the effort. Tip: Wrap several plugs up the night before, storing them fresh in a small bait cooler so your ready for action.
[cool][cool] You are coming up with some clever meat enhancement ideas. I might just like to give you a proper thank you. Thats one thing that I like most about this BFT site. Too many good people with too many good ideas.

thanks and keep up the good work.
some states don't let you do this , here in michigan you can , but there are sectons of trout streams that it is absolutley forbiden on .

check your fishing guide or call your c.o. in the area just to make sure !
[Wink] thanks for the insight.

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