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Louisiana SPMB Meets Wednesday
The Louisiana Seafood Promotion and Marketing Board will meet this Wednesday, December 15 at 1:00 p.m. in the UNO Advanced Technology Center, 2021 Lakeshore Drive, suite 210 in New Orleans, LA. The agenda is as follows.

1. Call to order

2. Roll call

3. Approval of minutes from October 13, 2010

4. Reports

1. Guest Presentations

- 1. Shane Carmichael<br />
- 2. Acadiana Lafayette Contingency

2. Executive Directors Report

3. Treasurers Report<br />
- 1. Update on BP funds

5. New Business<br />
1. Grant writing for taskforces (shrimp, oyster and crab)<br />
2. Social Media update- Zehnder<br />
3. Letters to board members who have more than 3 consecutive absences<br />
4. Elections of Executive Board for 2011-2012<br />
5. Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute/Sub Committee discussion (Executive, Funding, Legislative, Education and Marketing).<br />
6. National Seafood Marketing Coalition<br />
7. Boston Seafood Show

6. Set Next Meeting

7. Adjourn

For additional information please contact Ashley Roth at or 504-286-8735.


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