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Hot Tarpon action Continues Off Miami Beach, Florida
Tarpon fishing is just about as good as it gets. The only thing that can make it even better is for the first shrimp run of the season to take place. We’ve had all the signs that it should have taken place by now, however, it just hasn’t happened yet. By far, the evening time has seen the best action. The fish have been in the 35 – 90 pound range.

Eddie Farias treated his friend Ron Garcia to an evening tarpon trip. Ron has been trying to catch a tarpon for quite a while. The first fish stayed hooked up until we had it straight up and down next to the boat. At that point the hook pulled. The next fish ate a Powerbait Rattle Shrimp. This time the fish stayed hooked up until it decided to make its third run. Once again the hook pulled. Ron was beginning to doubt that he’d ever get one to the boat. Next we caught and released a bluefish and ladyfish before I decided to play a hunch and made a major move. It paid off with a solid hookup of a 90 pound tarpon that gave Ron everything and more that he could ever expect. We fought the fish from a dead boat except for when the wind blew us in to shallow water. The tarpon ran Ron around the boat at least 6 times. During this time, Eddie was videoing the entire episode. The mighty silver king was finally conquered and Ron was elated. Several still pictures were taken while I got a DNA sample of the fish, revived it, and sent it on its way to fight again on another day. A few drifts later, Eddie hooked up with a smaller fish and made quick work of it while Ron took the video and still pictures. The final fish of the evening was another ladyfish that capped off a perfect evening.

Brothers Ricky and Jesse Kovac from Sidney, Australia capped off their vacation in Miami by finding out firsthand how much fun tarpon fishing can be. The action started with the first drift and continued on throughout the entire evening. Jesse caught and released his first tarpon and then it was Ricky’s turn. After Ricky caught and released his first tarpon, it seemed like he was next to the rod that got hit for the rest of the evening. By the end of the 4 hour trip, we had 7 fish on and successfully landed and released 4 fish in the 30 – 70 pound range.

Action like this can be expected each evening from now through the end of June. If you want to get in on the fun and excitement, it only takes a phone call or email to book your trip. Don’t put it off as the time will be gone before you can hardly blink.

I’ve got more evening tarpon trips as well as offshore trips scheduled so check back and get the latest update on what’s happening aboard Knot Nancy.

Captain Dave

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