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Lost creek
Ok I know there has been at least a couple of btfers that have made it up to lost creek by now.

Let's here soon reports I really want to go up really bad, but want to hear some reorts before we go all the way up there.(gas and bait and all that makes it $$$$&)

If you don't feel like telling me a report ivia reply feel free to pm. Me

Id like to recieve the same Pm [cool] or even hear a report to
might have to go find out for ourselves...
Ya when are you going?
maybe monday or tuesday morning
That is my father in law's favorite fishing hole, and he told me the road was closed getting up there. He told me this last week, so maybe it has opened. Or maybe he wants the lake to himself! [crazy]
You should call him up and ask him
dwr says its open, but also says be cautious in a 2wd vehicle haha
On my way home from lost creek, the road is not bad. I'd imagine you could make it in a 2wd. Fishing was very slow today, 1/15. Never really did find them. Caught a few and moved alot alot. ??? Good luck, biggest was 17 1/2
We fished there yesterday and I will most likely go there again tomorrow. We caught about 7 trout the biggest was 19". Once again my custom gummy shark candy bait didn't catch any fish but I'm not going to give up on it.

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