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Hit Fish Lake this morning with my buddy Tom. He's never ice fished before.
Had a good morning on splake and rainbows. About 16" was the biggest, no bigguns. Gitzits and Kastmasters tipped with perchmeat worked the best. Nightcrawlers were ok and mealworms were untouched.
We fished in 71' Most of the cooperative fish were at 20'. We saw lots of fish at 50-70' on the graph, but no takers.
Tom had a blast and will be coming back for sure.
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Nice Report.Looks like a good day.[cool]
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How thick is the ice at fish lake?
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10'" to 12" over almost the whole lake. There was also very little snow and in some spots no snow and crystal clear ice.
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Hey you were the guys who I talked to early on. I was there with my father in law. Thanks for the few pieces of perch meat.
When we got there, some guy and his kids went straight out twords the spot where Twin creek flows into the lake. The guy went through a soft spot in the ice but was able to tell his kids to step back. He got out rather quickly, but fell in another spot. So if you go out please pay attention to where the river comes into the lake.
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Yeah, that was us. You are welcome!
I forgot to add that there's a thin spot just east of Twin Creeks about 50 feet off the shore and 100 feet long or so. Steer clear of that and there's no problems that we saw, even on the clear spooky lookin' stuff. Everything we drilled was 12" or so.
We went back today for round two. Same spot, pretty much the same results. Big fish was a 17", 2 lb bow.
Hit Mill Meadow after that and loaded up on the perch. Also got 2 browns in our group. 14" and 16". Very healthy looking fish.
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anyone see the a-holes the stole my jet sled's from my ice hut that was parked in frount of twin creeks?
me and my boy's were camped in the parking lot there..
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Jim -- I'm curious what you'd ever do if you hooked into a 20+lb lake trout using one of those cute little perch rods?
Fuzzy -- I'm curious if you've checked with brookieguy? he has numerous threads around stating that he "found" some gear that was left behind, and wants to get it back to the owner. Hope your time fishing wasn't screwed up by a do-gooder...
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yes i sent a PM to brookie.. he has not replyed so i'm thinking not it...
and it was no DO-GOODER that takes a knife and cutt's a rope and takes the sleds in the midel of the night..
and the funny thing is the rope was just lopped around the ice anchor there was no need to cut the rope. if it was not cut i would have thought maybe the loop came off and they blew away.. but the rope was cut..
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i really hope who ever stole your stuff is reading this so they feel like a douche nozzle.
sorry your stuff got jacked man
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lol yeah me too..
i think i even talked to the guy's in the parking lot earler that day.. if so they were in a white truck newer model.. i'm thinking chevrolet but not sure i did not look that close.. oh yeah and they had a 6 man red QF and were on the ice well after 10 PM thats the time i went to bed..
they did not get much of a prize tho both sleds were in bad shape.. i have been useing them for 4 years and both had holes worn in the bottom form draging them behind the snowmobile on the gravle.. not the point tho who ever did it can and will do it again.. so even now it's moving south i guess..
i was going to get new ones the end of this ice season.. i guess i'll need to sooner..[:/]
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PBH-I'd probably scream like a little girl until I got spooled!
I've taken the heavy artillery specifically for macks and caught 3-4 lb pups. Actually my buddy and I talked about that on the ice this weekend. It didn't stop us from dropping on the deep marks anyway. Guess I'm a glutton for punishment.
We did see a few fish come up from 50-60' and hit our jigs at 40 '. They turned out to be splake. It will probably take a royal butt kicking before I learn to go prepared for major battle.
Fuzzy-Sorry you lost your sleds. I think that was a Ford next to you. I really didn't pay much attention to it. Wish I had know it was you there. I would have said "Hi".
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lol well the one parked next to me was Don's truck or one of the guy's in his party.. the truck i'm talking about was parked on the west side of the dumpster..
yeah i would have liked to meet up with ya too.. i guess there was a buch of BTF guy's out there this weekend.. lol