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Sunday @ Starvation
Three of us arrived at Rabbit Gulch around noon full of hope in catching some toad perchies! Of the dozens caught between us...few went over 6 inches. We drilled from 6 ft out to 30 ft or so. We caught most around 22-23 ft. They seemed to like crawlers best. Honestly, I wouldn't drive out here again unless I can get into the big boys. We saw a few tankers caught by others, but was not impressed with the overall quality. We still had a good time and a nice day! Surely, I will be drawn back here again when I see more pics of the giants that lurk here!
Its never a given, but when you do get into the biguns the walleye are hanging out right there wit'um. Don't give up on them, I think we need a good harvest this year to keep the health up on the residing residents. Trust me they are there, for the willing.[fishin]
Wasatch I have some pics of some 12-13 inch Perch for you taken from Starvation the same day you were there. There is some nice perch in the there. I will get those pics for you so you can see proof and don't give up on fishing for Perch at Starvation.
Oh ya by the way I guess you didn't catch that 10LB Walleye.
A buddy and I went up there a week ago and caught some really nice ones. They are in there. I would really like to get into them walleye tho.
Hey Fish, I'd love to see those pics! Did I happen to chat with you out on the ice?

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