08-31-2003, 03:52 AM
I just got back from Strawberry. Took my son's family out this time. Fishing with family -- so we didn't get to the water until about 9:30 AM. No minnows by the public docks, so I headed to the long-term docks. Stood on the bow of the boat and cast the net a few times. The minnows were scattered, so I was only able to get about 20 after a few casts -- before a guy told me I shouldn't be catching minnows around the docks. I don't think he had any right to chase me off, but being the nice guy that I am, I left without arguing. Fishing in 50 feet of water on the Soldier Creek side, hanging a minnow over the side of the boat worked really well for about 2 1/2 hours. Still fishing slowed so we went trolling. Trolling was red hot for mostly smaller fish. Twice we had triples on ( we had one rig on the downrigger, one pole with leaded line, and long-lined a third pole), which I believe is a first for me. Trolled gold and gold/red spinners, Jakes Lures, and Carter Spoons.