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Pelican and Starvation 2-4
Went to Pelican on Friday with my brother and his two boys, 8 and 6, we hit the east side of the lake. We were on the water by 7:30 and the fishing was hot! Ice is 18-20" and air temp as -8.

We started the day with pink and orange ratso's, and we could not keep the fish off the hook till around 10:00. When the sun came full out things slowed down a lot. But anytime a cloud would cover the sun the fish would get real active again and we would have all 6 rods getting hit fast. Finally around 1:00 it didn't look like there were going to be too many clousds anymore so we pulled up and left.

Decided that Starvation would be a good "midway" stop on the way home. We headed into Rabbit Gulch and ran into some gents just leaving. They had done well in about 35 ft of water. Lots of perch, mostly dinks. We went out to the general area they had just left and immediatley started picking up some fish. Chartreuse and glow were the hot colors, didn't seem to matter what you used beyond that. But perch eyes out fished the waxies. We lost 3 big bows at the hole, and got one 14" football as well. Those trout out there are nuts!

Sorry no picks as I forgot my camera and my brothers battery was dead. But it was a way fun trip. Ended up filleting the fish for 2 hours on Saturday morning. Looking forward to the awesome fish tacos!
Sounds like a great combo trip. Pelican and Starv are fun waters to fish.

Thanks for the report.
Sounds like a good day on the ice. Did you get any bigger perch?
A few were in the 8 - 9" range. The perch overall seemed to be thicker bodied than the PV or DC perch we have caught this year.

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