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Rockport info pease.....
Have a buddy going up 2-12 I might be going also. I need to know a few things.

1. what area is generally better this time of year, the side by the boat ramp or the side near the road?

2. are dogs allowed to be at rockport?

3. what kind of cover do the perch have in the lake and where is it?

we will not be chasing perch per say, but i would not mind trying to get some. trout are fine for us to catch too. I may also have my kids with me and I would always like them to have a chance to reel in something. they had fun on their first ever ice trip and i want to make it fun again.

thanks in advance for any info.
tight lines.
Im not sure about question 1, but 2 is yes, but legally they are supposed to be leashed. I was there a while back and some guy had a loose dog that managed to tangle into every line within a 100 yard radius. 3- Im not sure, I've heard the perch fishing is really slow up there now and almost not worth pursuing. Trout have been around 10-15 under the ice.
Good luck, I might be up there as well this weekend if not East Canyon, hope you can get your kids into them, that really keeps them coming back in future trips.

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