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Spent the day at my favorite lake, even though there are lots and lots of sardines, Caught 35 fish in 4 hrs. pretty steady, fish from 6" to 18" thankfully no chubs. With mid season blues at some of my other favorite lakes at least the fish came to play and entertain at Schofeild. This is the Second year of catching minnows at schofeild, this lake usually grows fish pretty quickly, Just wondering if they planted SO many fish that food is tough. They seem to hit whatever you through at them all year. The cuts are like torpedo's. Any thoughts on growth and when we expect this lake to consitanly kick out 2-3 lb fish or will it ever. I have fished this lake for years on hardwater and soft, I have lots of honey holes that always produce fish. Sometimes its hard to make the decsion to spend the day there with the small fish, but once I get there it is always fun, So if you have kids that just like to catch fish, get up there and let them have some fun. Just treat them lightly and get em back in the water as soon as you can, Can't wait for the next few years up there!
Food is tough because of the chubs. Get rid of the chubs and the trout will grow. You'll get a few big fish that are eating the chubs, but the majority of the trout will suffer until the chubs are nearly eliminated. If ya get a chance, ya oughta catch chubs just to get rid of a few. Especially the spawners. Have you ever seen how fast the trout get big after a rotenone treatment? It probably won't happen again at Scofield though. Too many obstacles, and too expensive. Sure makes for some great fishin' when they can though.
I've wondered the same thing about Scolfield, wondered if they're plan to controll the chubs with the new regulations to create bigger fish is working at all like it does in Strawberry. I think however that it will work before too many more years and you'll start seeing more bigger fish again. You have all those littler skinny fish, but they're all hungry and there's so many you have to think they're atleast eating a good part of the new hatches of chub. Hopefully it's just a matter of waiting for the older bigger chub population to die off and hardly anything to replace them.

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