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SpurHunter, Chick, Mixed, 2-26-11, Wild indians
<br /> I work with Tevin, and he wanted to take his son Cason fishing Saturday evening, so I offered to give them a guided tour. <br /> His friend Rocky and his young son Jack also came along. <br /> We put in above the dam and drowned some shiners with ZERO luck, wanting to get the kids some kind of fish on, we switched over to wax worms and saved the day. <br /> I used a 1/32 jig head, drop-shot rigged and we caught a dozen or so, with the last bite of the day being a feisty channel cat. <br /> These boys were wild as Indians, and had a great time calling each other "captain" and sitting at the helm. I think they actually enjoyed the boat riding and running around a little more than the catching, but they had a great time. <br /> <br /> <br />

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