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[url ""][/url] we had this posted on the wy board and it needs to be posted on every state thanks!ASH.
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I think the DWR would be fine if it was able to keep all of the sales it generates off of licences. From what I understand the funds get redristibuted then it gets money re-allocated back to it. If afraid that the govenment in its efforts to "Trim the fat " will cut off legs and arms that we need and still leave the fat.
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License fees has been talked about here in the past.
I thought that all license fees stayed with the DNR and even more money is added as needed.
Anobody here know for sure?
Any DNR Employees reading this that could shed some light?
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License and permit fees generated by the DWR are considered restricted funds and do stay with the Division. The DWR also receives some general fund monies from the state in addition to revenue from the Federal government collected in the Pittman-Robertson and Dingell-Johnson programs which are excise taxes imposed on hunting and fishing equipment and some other outdoor related products.
A loss of any Federal revenue can have significant impacts on the DWR budget which is always very tight and shortfalls cannot easily be made up.
I don't want to imply that I am speaking officially for the Division. I'm a retired employee and I thought I could shed some light on the earlier post.
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Thanks for your response.
You answered my question.
Some states get extra funding from things like lotteries.
Think Idaho.
Utah doesn't.
it's up to those of use that hunt and fish to pay our own way.
License fees in Utah are critical and if it means that we need to pay a little more in order to maintain services, so be it.
What I don't want to see is a step back and fewer fish being stocked.
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just bumping this back up incase anyone missed it!
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I've never heard of Matt Warner Reservoir. Has anyone fished that lake in the last few years?
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That looks to be about a dollar per fish, give or take. And about a third of those are fingerlings.
Sell it to a private operator and he should be able to deliver twice those numbers, and turn a profit.
No need for the beautiful park like setting complete with 30 foot tall lighting, visitors centers and all that other stuff that has nothing to do with hatching, raising and delivering fish.
Its time to get back to basics.
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[quote castnshoot]That looks to be about a dollar per fish, give or take. And about a third of those are fingerlings.
Sell it to a private operator and he should be able to deliver twice those numbers, and turn a profit.
No need for the beautiful park like setting complete with 30 foot tall lighting, visitors centers and all that other stuff that has nothing to do with hatching, raising and delivering fish.
Its time to get back to basics.[/quote]
I don't know anything about this specific fishery, but history shows that this might be the best answer. Thanks for thinking of it.
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[quote castnshoot]
Sell it to a private operator and he should be able to deliver twice those numbers, and turn a profit.[/quote]
Only problem there has already been experienced here in the west, and we're still paying for it.
a certain former state governor's family hatchery is solely responsible for whirling disease out here. The officials who investigated and traced it back found themselves unemployed a short time later.
at least the dwr will destroy contaminated fish and shut down a facility in order to sterilize it instead of trying to sneak things through in order to turn a profit.
My two pennies. Change back?