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I need Carp
Thought maybe someone on here could give me some help. I have a spring bear tag and need some carp for bait. Don't know if i will have time to go catch some everytime i need it so i was wondering if anyone has a contact for carp? I have heard there are guys that net them out of UT lake commercially. Is there any truth to this and if so does anyone have a contact where i could possibly get carp when i need it?? Thanks in advance for any help..
Aaa...... You raise a bunch of question there Fish. I will offer my .02 worth. I must assume you have an archery tag and you have or intend to properly register your bait station (again, I assume the carp are for bait and not for your lunch?). If you want them for bait or some kind of attraction for the bruins I gotta tell ya I ain't never heard of no such thing. My go to bait station for bears is obtained from my local cafe or grocery store that has a pile of out-dated doughnut type stuff. Any kind of grease or bacon type fat will work too and both of these are probably more readily available than a handy supply of carp. But I do not claim to know all that much about baitin', just that I have never heard of usin' carp. You may be on to something I have no knowledge of.... dunno.

There are a couple of commercial carp catchin' outfits that harvest from Utah Lake. The Loy brothers being the one I am most familiar with. They deal in semi trailers full of carp and I guess you would have to contact them for a lesser amount on an as-needed basis.

Anyways, good luck on your bear hunt. I hope you have a great and successful hunt.[Smile]
I don't know of any commercial carp fisherman but I know a great spot to catch a bunch. My father-in-law also has a bear tag. We have been catching 5-6 good sized carp everytime we go. It only takes us about an hour or so to catch that many. PM if you want to know where it is. We have just been freezing them for now. Hopefully that works. He has also been getting donuts and stuff too. Good luck.
I don't have a ton if experience over bait, but I'm positive I would not want to sit and smell rotting fish for the entire time I was in my stand. I would seriously think about other methods, popcorn with a cheap syrup works great and is easy to pack. Commercial bear attractants, honey, peanut butter and anise scent are all better choices, along with what has been mentioned. I think fish would work- just easier ways to get the same result.
[quote Boatloadakids] I must assume you have an archery tag and you have or intend to properly register your bait station (again, I assume the carp are for bait and not for your lunch?). /quote]

Goes without saying, I'd think.

Have HEARD of Canadian outfitters using fish part, like walleye cleanings, but it does sound unpleasant to sit next to.

Since you have a bow, get a bowfishing set up and shoot a few of your own. In good conditions, you'll have more than you can fit in the freezer in an hour.

When do you need it? If I take my bow anywhere fishing, I'll PM you.
I live here in cache valley and i know of a few people that have went to the hostess store or some of the markets around here and they will just give you there expired bakery items for free. As far as carp goes come out by my place theres tons of them.
Thanks all for the info. I do have a spring archery tag and i do plan to register my bait and use legal methods. I am not planning on using Carp as the main source of bait for the season but i thought it would be a good bait starter to get up there on the mountain and let it start rotting and stinking. i also have expired pastires from hostess and several other things but just looking for something to put off a little more stinch! I know guys that have used carp with success so thought i would ask. Thanks again for all the info..
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