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Otter Creek
Gill net surveys at Otter Creek have been completed...check out this site:
What are you talking about. That link takes you no where.
It used to. I'm not gonna sign up for facebook just to see DWR stuff.
Wait fishrmn wasnt it you complaining that the dwr doesn't do enough to keep you informed on what's going on? Here's another example of them doing things to keep you informed but you will have nothing to do with it???
That WAS a cool link. When it worked......
now it asks you to sign in to facebook. It didn't before!
Nope. Not me. I've never complained that they don't keep you (us) informed. I've always kept the UDWR website bookmarked in my browser. You can check all kinds of stuff on the site. Fishin', huntin', stocking reports, news, etc, etc, etc ....

How many of you know that the UDWR has a podcast? I had to talk to Cory Peterson and Mark Hadley to get it formatted to work on an Apple computer.


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