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Utah Lake - Battle Creek and Lindon
I apologize in advance for the lack of pictures. I forgot my camera but today wasn't that great for me. I launched around 7 am this morning at Lindon Boat Harbor and the water temp was right at 51 degrees. I threw small plastics and worked around the corners and the docks. Saw lots of fish on the sonar but none liked what I had. Saw lots of carp clumps so I threw a small curly tail around them just to see if one would bite...and it did. I didn't know whether or not to count this trip as one with no skunk so I kept fishing.

At 9:00 AM I headed over towards the Battle Creek area hoping to find some whities roaming around waiting to spawn. I drug minnows out in the flat areas and almost caught a bird who snacked on my minnow. I think it was a loon. There were lots of ducks and a few pelicans out to play today. Really nice. Really calm. But no fish for me yet.

The wind started to kick up around 10:00 so I decided to head back inside the harbor and look for fish one more time. As I was getting tossed around by the wind near the rocks on the north dike, I hooked into a nice male white bass. He was dripping milt and had a tWinkle in his eye. I tried a few more casts but the waves started pushing me around quite a bit and I felt rocks with my feet. No bueno.

I worked the shoreline a little and watched some of the bank tanglers who were there hoping for the crappie spawn to be on. Water temp was 55 by now. I moved over to the docks and caught 4 black crappie in quick succession. Very agressive bites for crappie and the took the jigs deep. I thought, "It's on now." I continued to see fish on the sonar but no more bites. I changed colors, tipped with worm, etc. No more fish. Oh well, didn't get skunked. The water was high and I expect if the water temperature goes up to that magical 60+ degrees, we'll have some serious spawning fish soon.

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