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Blackfoot Reservoir Info?
Hey Guys,

So due to this crazy water year, our annual fish camp gathering, 2nd week in May at the Calamity campground across the dam at PaliSades, has met a forced cancellation..

We have guys that come from Utah, Wyoming, Colorado, Montana, and the rest from Idaho, and though I was pushing for Flaming Gorge, most of the guys wanted to keep it in the same general area.. After several conference calls and pouring over maps, it looks like it's going to be Blackfoot Reservoir..

Now, as stated, PaliSades is the normal spot, so we don't come in expecting great (or even good) fishing, it's as much about the camping, eating, drinking, and being with the boys.

The trouble is that none of us have ever actually BEEN to the lake. I've used to search function on here and all of us have Googled it to death and talked to anyone we know with Blackfoot experience.

After our last call we are leaning toward camping at Pebbel Beach..

We have a big group, 12+ guys, 4 or 5 boats, several RV's, dogs, guitars, and bottles of whiskey.. We don't want to bother anybody (or have anybody bother us) so we need a roomy camping area. I don't know if shoreline camping is permitted or if we have to stay in established campgrounds? According to one map I printed, most of the shoreline is "Fort Hall Irrigation Project Lands" as well as some reservation lands. Do we need and Tribal fishing or camping permits? Also info on which boat ramps offer easy access for fish and fishermen?

A few guys are pumped about the bowfishing for carp we've all read about, but the bulk of us are trout guys with a mix of spinning, trolling, and fly gear.

First and foremost, is camping at Pebble Beach a mistake? And ANY other info you guys have (fishing, camping, hiking, etc) in the area will be very much appreciated..

The trip happens this coming weekend (May 12-15) so I will take all info to heart and let you guys know how it was next week..


(Feel free to PM me if you want, info shared in PM's will remain on the down low)
Blackfoot was still frozen last week.
Well I know we're taking a bit of a leap of faith, but according to the "Carp, Idaho Falls Area" thread someone was up there May 3rd and said there was about 10% open water, and being that PaliSades is open, and the wind, rain, and FEW warmer days we've had (I'm in Salt Lake however so I may be projecting weather reports) we're assuming that at least most of the ice will be gone by thursday..

Do you think that is a bad assumption?
Fly fishing the upper blackfoot river is good this time of year!!
If you are meaning the "Upper Blackfoot" above the reservoir, it is closed until July.
The way I remember it Pebble Creek could be a muddy mess getting into this time of year, but I have not been there in the spring so I may be wrong. It might be firmer closer to the lake but between the road and the lake it might be a mud pit. There is a BLM (I think it's BLM, it may be Idaho State Park) campground with boat ramps and such at the west end that might be your best bet. On the Soda Springs side for the entrance. It is a fee area. If nothing else you could stop there and do a scouting around the lake and see whats up. There are lots of private land and Tribal lands but for your public access areas and camping you don't need any special permits. For the most part it is pretty obvious. The public areas like Pebble Creek and such are in a bunch then a long ways between the next public areas. Hard to say how much of the ice will be gone. It was warmer a few days last week, cold again since (snowing now) and supposed to be warm later this week. You may hit it good, might still have ice.
Flaming Gorge may be a better sure thing bet, but someone may have some more accurate reports on the area.
Thanks for the info.. I think you might be right a recon mission may be the only way. We're having a really hard time getting a solid report on ice conditions. We've now tried the Henry Store, campground mgr, and the courthouse (on a recomend) and still no one knows for sure.. Girl at the game and fish said still iced up but she didn't sound real confident.

Probably heading up to my place in Alpine tomorrow, I hear the South Fork and PaliSades are a mess, can't wait to see for myself..

What a crazy year !!
[quote DannyNoonan]Thanks for the info.. I think you might be right a recon mission may be the only way. We're having a really hard time getting a solid report on ice conditions. We've now tried the Henry Store, campground mgr, and the courthouse (on a recomend) and still no one knows for sure.. Girl at the game and fish said still iced up but she didn't sound real confident.

Probably heading up to my place in Alpine tomorrow, I hear the South Fork and PaliSades are a mess, can't wait to see for myself..

What a crazy year !![/quote]

Mess is an under statement, SF when I looked was bouncing up over 20k feet per second in the canyon. Was chocolate on saturday, and that was before it kicked up 5k fps. Most places are a good 2 to 3 weeks behind spring wise compared to most winters.

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