I have seen some mounted to the foot pegs. My observation is, these people do not wear waders and do not plan on getting wet. They of course do not use fins either.
Pontoons are not designed to track so trying to steer with just an electric motor can be a challenge. They do work okay but on faster speeds which takes it's toll on juice.
vantages to going forward is the steering, so basically killing the hands free fishing idea. Trolling, you must now stick your pole out the side and go more off feel.
Now, by mounting the motor behind, first step is to loosen the bolt that holds the motor head to the shaft. Turn the head so that the control handle is facing the same direction as the prop. Carefully put the bolt back and tighten.
Now, tighten the clamp that holds the motor in one position. Have it with the prop right under your seat.
You now have all the forward speeds to pull you. You steer with fins and with a motor, fins are NOT a big issue.
The only time you are now touching your motor is off and on and speed. As mentions a remote shut off is nice. I went the extra mile on one of my motors and made the speed controls and the off and on remote.