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Willow Beach, April and May.
I've been out to Willow Beach every Friday since April, trying to catch a, "TheWhizzle", sized striper, with no luck. I've had the bug for a few years, but after seeing Whizzle's fish, it got worse lol. I'm thinking my chances will get better in the summer months, but I still go out to bang in some trout, so I can satisfy my fishing habits.

The first two weeks of April where slow for trout fishing, even with the stock. They would dump fish and most people would catch one or two right away like usual, but then the bite would die off quickly. Over the next hour me and some others hooked up with a few more, but 5 was the most caught for the first couple weeks. The next week was a little better followed by the next, but only a few people caught limit of 10 fish in April.

May has been much better, with almost everybody catching limit. The last two fridays where really good, people where catching limit within two hours, some in one hour.

Even though people have been catching limit of late, the fish haven't been holding in the immediate stocking areas. When the bite dies off, you have to hunt them down if you want to catch more, like me lol. I made a map of where the fish have been running off to, and holding. This is pretty accurate information [laugh]. You might have to check all the green areas but you should catch fish there, even later in the day.

Now theirs no need to fish the stock, and the holding spots I pointed out, unless you just like to catch lots of fish lol. I release everything I catch, and I've been using a single hook with a shaved down barb. I've buddied up with a few guys out there and help them limit out sometimes, but thats about it. I figure the trout are going to be bird and striper food anyhow [Wink].

Every now and again when I'm throwing my Striper swim bait instead of trout fishing. Some guy will come up to me and rag on the guys fishing the stock ROFL. He must not consider that I might do it... "allot" lol. No harm done though lol, fishing the stock can be fun, and if you like to ear fish what the hey. Witch reminds me, I'm not against catching my 10, cleaning them at the station, throw them on ice and someone could come pick them up from me, or something. If not then great, I don't have to clean fish lol.

Okay, here is my simple map, green areas have been holding fish, on and off for most of the day, after they leave the immediate stocking areas, marked in red. Some spots have been better then others on different days, just check them all if your not catching fish. The island has been hot the last two weeks, and the point was better the two weeks before that. The read areas have been dead about 2 hours after stock.

[Image: willowmay.jpg]

The best baits out there are Power worms (Flo Orange and Cheese colors), Chartruce Mepps spinner, Gold Jakes with red dots, and last but not least power bait, but I never use them. I love casting and fishing lures.

I fish the stocking areas first then move to the spots I marked in green. Caught over 100 trout fishing these spots with the baits I listed.


Ok now for a little non fishing activities on the way home last friday [laugh]. I Stopped at White Rock Canyon on the way home from fishing willow beach. The trailhead is near mile marker 4 on I-93, it starts at the highway and ends at the river. Not to rough of a hike, but there is a gradual uphill on the way back that was much worse then I anticipated. 5 mile round trip down to the river and hot springs, then back up to the road.

I was told not to do the hike in the hotter months, but then you would never get to see all the Critters. There is tons of stuff running around on that trail. Mainly Chuckwallas, the things are everywhere. Here are some decent pictures, pushing my cheepo lens to its limits.

[Image: whiterockmap.jpg]

[Image: chuckwalla_01.jpg]

[Image: chuckwalla_02.jpg]

[Image: chuckwalla_03.jpg]

[Image: chuckwalla_04.jpg]

[Image: chuckwalla_04b.jpg]

[Image: chuckwalla_05.jpg]

These are all different lizards accept the one that I caught, I took a couple pictures of that guy. There was tons of them, I stopped counting around 20, and barely looked on the way back lol. The way back is a pain.

Long read, and it might not be written properly ROFL, but the shiz should be spelled corectly haha. I used the spell checker for sure.[Wink]. It thinks Im spelling Whizzle wronge haha.
haha, you got it...

I heard that the hatchery there started using a different strain of rainbow trout and that they aren't holding near the planting areas like the old strain did.

Thanks for the info, great report.
Yah the fish aren't holding in the immediate stocking areas for to long after the plant. I was thinking the water levels and temps had something to do with it.
Great report and info.

chuckwallas are cool!!!! nice pix there jimboslice. i can't afford to go to willow beach but if i ever can afford it i will employ your info. i didn't get any trout this year, before i knew it the stocking in las vegas ponds and lake mead was over.

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