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Grayling, grayling, and more grayling...
Planning a backpacking trip into the Uinta Mountains this summer (if and when the snow melts) to chase some Arctic Grayling. I will be taking my 10 yr old son along for his first backpacking trip. He is not very handy with a fly rod yet (still in training) so I plan on rigging him up with a fly and a bubble method to get him into some fish. What flies would be good to start him off with? Last time I caught grayling I was using dry flies (ie: skeeters, royal coachman etc...) with a floating line and I was knocking them dead. With a fly and a bubble it is a little different presentation than a fly rod, yes I will have a fly rod with me as well.[cool]
I always catch them on nymphs, with an Occasional Renegade.
[center][Image: happy.gif]Good luck to both of you on your planned outing. Bet he'll remember the day for the rest of his life.[Image: happy.gif]
Thanks I would hope so. My wife and daughter are also thinking of getting into the fray. I figure if all goes well with my son then I can start outfitting them and take them out. My wife is already looking at packs. [cool]
As far as the Uinta's, never underestimate "Ants" They are a give me there.

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