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Steck Park 05/24 evening
Ran up to Steck with some cutbait and stinkbait. I brought plenty of stinkbait, just not enough cutbait. I had my poles in the water around 8pm and left at 1am. Wound up catching 15 cats, all really good sized. They were all about the same size, but were all definitely over 5lbs. I was a little bummed I didn't get some smaller ones for the frying pan. Only caught 1 on stinkbait, the rest loved the cutbait. I actually ran out of cutbait which is why I left. Sorry the pics are washed out and generally crappy...

I had a great time, just what I needed after being sick for almost 3 weeks with strep and some bronchial infection.

Side note: I'm no waterways expert... how does the snake at the Idaho/Oregon border look like its at flood stage, but upstream at Steck its super low. I was surprised at the number of campers I saw at Steck. Almost all of them had boats that they couldn't launch. Idaho Power's website said that the boat launch at Steck was available, but it wasn't even close.
If you do not mind me asking (and you can PM me) what area around Steck were you fishing? I was thinking of heading there Thursday night or Friday.
Ha! There's no secrets about Steck [Wink] There's the old railroad pylon that's usually in the middle of the water, well that's about 20 ft from being in the water right now. I was down a ways (maybe 50 yards) from that casting straight out. With the water so low, the back current is definitely noticeable, so your lines will drift to the left. There's seams in the current and that's where the fish are holding up in. When it was light out I could cast right where the pools were, but when it was dark I just tossed it and lef it drift.

Good luck!
good job nick 1983 ! say i noticed you had a glowstick rod. how did it do ? let me know i thought about picking one up !
I'll admit... the glowstick is pretty rad. I don't use the light at the bottom since it makes it look like a lightsaber and I end up playing instead of fishing. But it glows just enough by itself to notice any movement.

The real plus side is that its a well made rod. I have the 7'6" casting MH. It lifts a 3-4oz of lead without getting bogged down which is important to me when bank fishing (less snags, better hooksets).

I'd reccomend it for sure. I have an Abu 6600 BCX on it and absolutely love fishing with it.
I have one of those glow sticks in a med heavy. The light quit working before I even used it. I have a Abu Garcia 6601 on it and I have landed a few Sturgeon on it. Cats would not be a problem. Ron
thanks for the rod reports guys ! i may have to pick one up soon !
Here is a good site for water levels for Brownlee. Used this one several years, seems to nearly if not always to be right on.

Water is high at Ontario and low at Steck because the reservoir is still down over 30 feet with river flows of over 60K CFS

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