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Fish Lake 5-26-11
I am new to the poster but a long time reader.[fishon]
This is my last trip with my Family last week. My Dad and I are the fisherman in the family. He has taken us there all my life so we know the lake pretty well.
Funny we couldn't catch any perch for our life for some reason on this trip!
But we did catch a lot of bows till the storm started in on Saturday threw Sunday.

But did get this mac on Thursday morning just let my line out 75ft and getting ready to go down on the rigger and the line released out of the clip so i thought i better check to see if there was a fish? Well soon as I applied pressure he ran and there went my drag and i yelled at my Dad that this is a good one. 15 to 20 mins latter.

Yep it was a mac and i just eased him in really slow you will see in the pics the lip hook I got.
42" 28lbs

It was a blast.

Now keep in mind that in the pics i am 6' 4" and 270lbs and i where a 13 shoe.

If the wealth is good this weekend it should be good one.[bobhappy]
Nice mac and wow what a lip hook. A little too much pressure and you would have lost it.[cool] Way to go!
Thanks the best part was having my DAD there and my Two older kids.
They got to see every part my Daughter was asking over and over to keep it but i told her that Mac is older then me.

Let him grow and have some more people get to catch him.
WOW! now thats talent not losing a fished that big hooked like that! and I applaude you for teaching your kids the proper catch and release reasoning!
Thats one of the longest fish i've seen out of there, if he'd eaten more through the winter probably would've been in the mid 30's....nice fish. We got blown around for two days and didn't fish enough apparently...
[quote christopher30] We got blown around for two days and didn't fish enough apparently...[/quote]

did you catch anything at all?
one nine pound mack and about 30 rainbows and small splake for three days worth of fishing. Rainbows were planted by the division on thursday......makes it tough for the macks in my opinion.

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