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Hello all New Guy Here
Hello All, Names Jerry Love to fish and hunt im in the northern region of utah and do most of my fishing at willard but ocasinally i will drive to UL for some white bass fishing. but i try to get to as many lakes in utah as i can [fishin]..

Nice meeting all you guys hope i can get some good advice and good spots to take the wife out fishing with me.
hiya Jerry/.....welcome to the site... I see you have already gotten to the Utah forum but if you have any questions we can help you with dont hesitate to ask...

Im moving this to the Utah forum so they can all give you a nice welcome there...

MacFly.... [cool]
thanks macfly55 glad i can be part of the utah community. hope to share my experience with everyone.
Welcome Jerry and we look forward to reading your posts.
Welcome aboard! [cool]
Welcome to the site Jerry, what is your normal method of fishing when you are at Willard?
depends on what im going after if its wipers its usually a crank in yellow/white color or shad color type. but i usually just use a 3in grub with a red jig head. shore fishing most of the time.
Welcome aboard! I vote that we re-name Willard....until proven otherwise to me this year.......I shall call it 1 fish bay. Doesn't matter the species it seems I go out and fish 6-8 hours and it's always 1 fish. Been out 4 times this year and have coaxed 1 Crappie, 2 Walleye and just last first Wiper. ALthough I can at least say yesterday evening I had 3 good strikes while trolling for Walleye. Once again, welcome aboard.

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