06-26-2011, 01:09 AM
It's not short, it's not sweet, but it's my post all the same.
Hooked up with Jdawg183 and took a toodle around Mantua with the "new" ride. Bit late getting started (my bad - of course), sun over the horizon and skiers already on the water -dangit!!! Managed to launch the boat once I realized ALL the straps had to be removed. Motor was a little rough starting up, but she got purring. Needed a little bit of throttle to get going and keep the motor from dying.
WEEEEELL - that must have been TOO much for Barney - so I guess he's after us, sent a boat out to have us return (after getting halfway across the lake at less that lightning speed) so he could 'talk' to me. "Talk" turns into a 'citation' for making a wake in a wakeless. It's not "speed" it's whitewater. Um - you can be standing still and your props gonna make "whitewater". [pirate]
Due to bad gas, bad fuel pump, bad carbs, or something - we couldn't get up on plane if we WANTED to. Again - they must have a quota to fill.
But hey Lunker - today you could park ANYWHERE you wanted to, . . . long as you had a fancy trailer and expensive wakeboat this day! I can't tell your how many "not between the lines, into the grass - whatever" parking was "accepted". Take THAT to court as see what happens (let me guess - Barney is cousins with Judge Enus - and that's where it's at!)
Ok - so I'm the guy with the little fishing/ boat, and as he's telling me - we have to 'watch out' for the $40K wakeboard boats so they don't get bumped against the dock - um - there were no boats against the dock. [shocked]
"Proximity" he tells me - um, er - so where were ya when the boat of hispanics comes and parks not 10 feet (literally) from where we were anchored up to fish. I even said something to that crew, though I think it must have come across like a teacher on a telephone in a Peanuts cartoon. Aaah - they had more tattoos than me, so we just fished. Should have snapped a shot of 'em, I can almost guarantee there was at least one fly down, if not more! (Spanish fly - nyuck!) [:p]
And to think of ALL the times I've been blasted by big boats in my lil' flat bottom (so close I could reach'm with a trolling rod!), or seen boats soar into harbor at full-plane, ONLY to drop off inches before the dock. Where were ya THEN Barney! [mad][crazy][crazy][crazy][crazy][crazy]
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Ok - enuf politics, more fishn. Figured we'd find some bedding bass and gills in the shallows north of the Knoll, and we did. Lots of hit and missed under bobber. But then Jdawg hooks up - and it's a nice pretty bitty perch. We start pulling in some gills, some perch, even got some small-large-mouths to play. No trout on the day, so we left off with a 3-some. Jdawg being the master of the biggest Bull-Gill of the day, though for a time - I had the hot rod - and it was bite-bite-bite. I think downsizing from a big furry jig and recalling my ice-gear got me into some bites that weren't so easy to miss (yes - sometimes size does matter, and smaller can be better. Put THAT in your pipe and smoke it!).
Sight fishing is just danged fun. No big toothy monsters - but being in shallows enough to see them come right up and take it, or dropping right onto their "nest-bed" just to piss 'em off. Lots of competition between them as the nesters fight off the pesters. Had a lot more Perch action than I'm used to on that water. Seemed like they were nesting up just like the gills-n-bass. Didn't see that last spring. Surprisingly not as much bass bedding as I'd expect. Time/Place - who knows.
Due to motoring limitations - we didn't get to the tubing adventures the kids had been promised (dangit!) But we did get both kids fishing - at least for a time, and floating, swimming - and they had fun with that (stay out of the weeds and the swimmerss itch!). Returned to harbor (few st-st-st-udders, and thanks to Jdawgs 'lectric backup - on to dock! Thanks bud! Need to have a backup plan 4 sure!)
Pulled out the "cane pole" for some shore tangling while the kids had another swim, during the closing of the Wakeboard demonstration. The race course was un-merged earlier (it exists). Announcers, blasting music and having quite an event, as the young-lings worked their way off the lake. They had some fun (their type). It's all good.
I managed to hook into a few more cooperative panfish (funny looks from a few - with this 20 ft cane pole, no reel - but it gets you over the weeds - and a simple worm n hook - all ya need is love). Caught fish into double digits over the day, selecting a handful for the fillet-board.
We got out- got on some sightfishing, fished with a new-friend, got the kids sunburned - coulda been better (and less expensive! Barneeeee!) - but it was the "voyage of the dawntreader" - so she's been wet, she's been - not so wild - but she didn't sink, and we got home safe. And of course no wake-board boats were harmed in the filming of events!!!
Maybe be calling on Newton in the morning.
Jdawg - thanks for joining us, thanks for your patience and support for a day on the water. Had fun, glad to do it - it'll be better "next time"! Nice company, got into some fish, great weather - what more could you ask for (less Barney intervention!!!).
Hooked up with Jdawg183 and took a toodle around Mantua with the "new" ride. Bit late getting started (my bad - of course), sun over the horizon and skiers already on the water -dangit!!! Managed to launch the boat once I realized ALL the straps had to be removed. Motor was a little rough starting up, but she got purring. Needed a little bit of throttle to get going and keep the motor from dying.
WEEEEELL - that must have been TOO much for Barney - so I guess he's after us, sent a boat out to have us return (after getting halfway across the lake at less that lightning speed) so he could 'talk' to me. "Talk" turns into a 'citation' for making a wake in a wakeless. It's not "speed" it's whitewater. Um - you can be standing still and your props gonna make "whitewater". [pirate]
Due to bad gas, bad fuel pump, bad carbs, or something - we couldn't get up on plane if we WANTED to. Again - they must have a quota to fill.
But hey Lunker - today you could park ANYWHERE you wanted to, . . . long as you had a fancy trailer and expensive wakeboat this day! I can't tell your how many "not between the lines, into the grass - whatever" parking was "accepted". Take THAT to court as see what happens (let me guess - Barney is cousins with Judge Enus - and that's where it's at!)
Ok - so I'm the guy with the little fishing/ boat, and as he's telling me - we have to 'watch out' for the $40K wakeboard boats so they don't get bumped against the dock - um - there were no boats against the dock. [shocked]
"Proximity" he tells me - um, er - so where were ya when the boat of hispanics comes and parks not 10 feet (literally) from where we were anchored up to fish. I even said something to that crew, though I think it must have come across like a teacher on a telephone in a Peanuts cartoon. Aaah - they had more tattoos than me, so we just fished. Should have snapped a shot of 'em, I can almost guarantee there was at least one fly down, if not more! (Spanish fly - nyuck!) [:p]
And to think of ALL the times I've been blasted by big boats in my lil' flat bottom (so close I could reach'm with a trolling rod!), or seen boats soar into harbor at full-plane, ONLY to drop off inches before the dock. Where were ya THEN Barney! [mad][crazy][crazy][crazy][crazy][crazy]
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Ok - enuf politics, more fishn. Figured we'd find some bedding bass and gills in the shallows north of the Knoll, and we did. Lots of hit and missed under bobber. But then Jdawg hooks up - and it's a nice pretty bitty perch. We start pulling in some gills, some perch, even got some small-large-mouths to play. No trout on the day, so we left off with a 3-some. Jdawg being the master of the biggest Bull-Gill of the day, though for a time - I had the hot rod - and it was bite-bite-bite. I think downsizing from a big furry jig and recalling my ice-gear got me into some bites that weren't so easy to miss (yes - sometimes size does matter, and smaller can be better. Put THAT in your pipe and smoke it!).
Sight fishing is just danged fun. No big toothy monsters - but being in shallows enough to see them come right up and take it, or dropping right onto their "nest-bed" just to piss 'em off. Lots of competition between them as the nesters fight off the pesters. Had a lot more Perch action than I'm used to on that water. Seemed like they were nesting up just like the gills-n-bass. Didn't see that last spring. Surprisingly not as much bass bedding as I'd expect. Time/Place - who knows.
Due to motoring limitations - we didn't get to the tubing adventures the kids had been promised (dangit!) But we did get both kids fishing - at least for a time, and floating, swimming - and they had fun with that (stay out of the weeds and the swimmerss itch!). Returned to harbor (few st-st-st-udders, and thanks to Jdawgs 'lectric backup - on to dock! Thanks bud! Need to have a backup plan 4 sure!)
Pulled out the "cane pole" for some shore tangling while the kids had another swim, during the closing of the Wakeboard demonstration. The race course was un-merged earlier (it exists). Announcers, blasting music and having quite an event, as the young-lings worked their way off the lake. They had some fun (their type). It's all good.
I managed to hook into a few more cooperative panfish (funny looks from a few - with this 20 ft cane pole, no reel - but it gets you over the weeds - and a simple worm n hook - all ya need is love). Caught fish into double digits over the day, selecting a handful for the fillet-board.
We got out- got on some sightfishing, fished with a new-friend, got the kids sunburned - coulda been better (and less expensive! Barneeeee!) - but it was the "voyage of the dawntreader" - so she's been wet, she's been - not so wild - but she didn't sink, and we got home safe. And of course no wake-board boats were harmed in the filming of events!!!
Maybe be calling on Newton in the morning.
Jdawg - thanks for joining us, thanks for your patience and support for a day on the water. Had fun, glad to do it - it'll be better "next time"! Nice company, got into some fish, great weather - what more could you ask for (less Barney intervention!!!).