with out a doubt. It is a gamble.
unfortunatly, I have lost every time I made the bet.
in the last 10 years we have had 3 winters with no ice, and a couple three more with only a month of walkable ice.
so it is not much better down here.
up north you are kinda chumped after the end of november cuz they close down all the state camping grounds only a few privet camps stay open.
Last time I was up, there was a lodging camp on the side of a river that was up for sale. the

part was it was booked with mostly low rent residents from town.
last time I was up north I saw shop after shop closed down. much the same as here.
live minnow will get prople in the door. just so long as the door is open. minnows sell in the summer time as well.
as long as you are vidgulent in pulling the dead out of your tank the smell isnt that bad, plus it is the smell that adds to the whole bait shop abveance. "sory spelling is attroshious"
you can get donuts delivered from your local shop, there is a duncan shop near me that delivers if you can sell enough of them, other wise it is open 24 hours so you can go in and stock up for the day at any time, even an hour before your store opens. There is an ice cream shop near me that found a way to stay open year round, in the winter it sells coffee and donuts via drive though.
as for your brother doing the charter, it wont help you unless he wants to dump all the proceeds in to the shop. honestly I see only problems there, how ever if he would agree to give you a royalty for costomers you send his way you might pick up a couple dollars.
he will need to manage his fairs, taxes and licenses. not to mention keep his family fed and a roof over his head in the winter..
how ever if you can garentee him some sort of income from your shop though the winter you might be able to get every one on the same boat sort to speak. The trick is finding what percentage will do the ballance.
you dont need a lawyer 365 days a year, You only need an accountant once a week or a month if you go sallery in sted of hourly. If you take a short class on bussiness accounting you will only need an accountant once a year. You can pay the suta, futa, soc, and business taxes on your own, You can also handle your accounts payable and receivable during the off peek hours of the day.
every bussiness has the same game plan weather it is being a clown, a lemonaid stand, lawn cutting service or meijers thrifty acres. It is all the same tax wise. Granted the bigger you are the greater the percentage of your money you get to keep.. but that is a whole nother story.
Having a boat that you can opperate will give you the forward latteral to dump all the earning in to your shop. There are people who will keep the busineses seperate for several reasons, untill you hit that magic income number mark, some times it is wiser to keep them seperate accounting wise and leagaly wise. meaning if one part fails and goes belly up for any reason weather it be lack of income or forclosure or business taxes, you dont loose the whole cart of mellons hitting a hole in the road.
the up side is when you have family get togethers you can write off parts of the expences to your business.
say you get the family together for a holliday, then at some point in time you leave the kids with gramps and you set down to a meeting about how the business is going discussing past curent and futer game plans and so on...
there are ways to make it work in to your advantage.
the problem right now is the collapsed aconnomy, michigan is one of the worst hit in the nation. Michigan much like the state of California has higher than normal living expenditures business wise. which is why so many people have left the state. Compitition from larger companies is so great that it keeps 99% of all new start up businesses in failure mode.
rule of thumb is to have enough cash on hand to keep you a float for 6 months. well right now you better have enough cash on hand to keep you a float for 10 years.
corperate has a strangle hold on our government, and I am starting to see another downward faze, the cost of buying off polittions is becoming so great that corperate owners are running for office on thier own.
dont mind me, I am just ranting, there are that 1% that dose manage to find a foot hold and if so long as it is something you enjoy doing and you can make enough to meet every ones needs you may find your self with a happy existance.