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Well finally decided to give the bass a break and go try for some muskies. It turned out to be a good decision. I caught only one that went 42 inches, and my cousin caught two, one just shy of 40 and one that was 36. Here is a couple pics.
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Nice pics! I still have yet to catch one of those bad boys. I am hoping to next weekend, will be camping at Newton. What was the lure of choice for these guys?
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nice fish man. I haven't caught one yet and am dying to do so. I am also curious to what you used. and also how thick of line?
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We caught the fish on a bead on a hook under a bobber with 6 lb test[  ]. No but really I have spent way too much time figuring them out to just tell people how to go catch them. Here is one tip, you can't catch them sitting on your couch.
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haha that is the best advice a fisherman can give. you are completely right.
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It's not like people eat them. I don't know why you wouldn't want to share the experience with others?!
Muskies will hit a variety of offerings, for the most part too big is a good thing. I've caught most of mine on big spinners... big spoons work well too.
The key is just to be devoted and cast, cast, cast! If you are throwing big baits, be it big soft plastics, crankbaits, spoons, swimbaits, etc... you will catch a muskie if you keep at it.
There really is no secret. They are in and around cover this time of year... since they are an ambush predator. If you go and just give it a good effort I'm sure you'll catch one - and then with time you can fine tune your presentation and tactics.... These fish are not difficult to catch - just takes time.
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Those are some nice fish, I can only dream of fishing for them,worst case I see myself troling an f18 rapalla on some 15 to 20lb braided line,and possibly even pinch the barbs.I would even try live bait on a slip bobber rig,fish one deep and one shallow.Cast spoons,spinners,I can only imagine the topwater fishing with a skitterwalk or something.
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Thanks for the advice guys, sorry if I came off as lazy on that Ninja, I actually do more fishing than my wife appreciates. Well, more casting anyway. I have been to Newton a few times this year with no success, mostly pitching perch rapalas with no success, so I was just looking for a little advice.
Thanks to the rest of you for the good advice. I think I am going to pick up some daredevls and big spinners and give them a try!
Thanks again!
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Just counted and I have 44 lures that have caught muskies, there is really no secret to catching them other than time on the water. Also they are EVERYWHERE.
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Wow, that is incredibly impressive! 44 muskies is pretty darn awesome, and I am sure several of those lures have caught many. Looks like I was just at the wring place at the wring time. Haven't gone to Newton for a while.
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What kind of live bait would you try? I know muskies love eating 2+ pound bass maybe try that. Also Jdawg, trolling works but they (Muskie) don't seem to put up the fight that they do when you set the hook on them casting. In fact they don't fight at all, it's like trolling along and snagging a log. Let the old guys troll all they want but until I can't cast a rod I won't. Not even with girls, they can catch them casting as well.
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Hey man - that's the rig I used to catch one! No fair - you gave away my secret weapon! [mad][mad][mad][mad][mad]
But what - no surf in the background? [shocked] I could almost guess where you were fishing (lets see - two or three lakes in Utah that hold 'em... haha).
Sorry, but I'm with WyomingMoose - what's it gonna hurt you to tell someone else what worked? Is he going to take something away from you? Is a perch rapala that super secret? Or are you ashamed to admit you were using a banjo-minnow? [:p]
I know I'm not the bass-master that you and your buds are, and would love to learn from your experience, but somehow - just don't see it forth-coming. Something about bass-ers??
But honestly - thanks for the post. Those are some great shots of some might-fine fish. I'll bet you guys had some good fights to land them.
Jdawg - think what they've got to choose from. Perch, baby Bass, young Crappie - but they are predators by nature, and they like to chase (and tease anglers). They call them the fish of 1000 casts. But lots of folks do catch them on a hook-bobber with simple perch-meat (limited to 1", and no live-fish- bait in Utah, sorry). They'll even swipe a gulp-worm when you're not ready!
But - sometimes size matters. I was pitching/trolling a 6-inch jointed swim bait on a side-planer, so I could put it right up to the shallows where I've seen 'em sunning. Didn't make it to 1000 casts on this day. Tossed some rapalas too, no banjos this time.
I'm determined to see one slam a top-water, or come up behind a swimbait and nail it! But big hairy flies and spinners are told to get attention, too. There was an article describing under water video, that talked up how much they follow, and how a change in direction, speed, height - can trigger a strike. A big "S-curve" right at the boat can change a follower to a striker.
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Maybe its just me, but I like to go to a lake and figure it out on my own. If you don't know how to catch fish, pay a guide. Wyoming Moose is exactly right, there are no secret lures to catching muskies, just go to walmart or where ever pick a lure you like and go cast it, I bet you will catch a muskie on it. I have caught them on just about everthing in my tackle box. Like I said before If you want to catch a muskie, fish where there are muskies.
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. Take a look at our past posts coyote, are all the fish bass? Were not straight bass 24-7 were fisherman, and good fisherman don't tell all there secrets. I can guarantee that all those videos and mags where guys tell you there hot lures and spots, I know there holding back info. There is a difference between a generalization and specifics. Some guys on here just want the fish hand delivered, good luck with that.
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Hmm,Try a huge jointed rapalla,or one of those huge $20.00 rattle traps,worked great in my dream.Something with more action jackson....A man can dream..A man can dream.My long nose as you might know,was 49" 17lbs,on 6lb suffix braid using a saltwater yozuri lure with rattles,no leader.I was troling.I had no idea a gar can pull like that.Use that set up and you'll be sure to have an exciting fight on your hands,I used a med size lure with 2 trebbles...sorry but this is the closest I've come to catching a muski,also we have chain pickeral,I once found the jaw from one with 1"teeth,must of been a 4 footer.I forgot the jaw in front buddies house,he said an animal must of ran off with it.I would of posted that jaw pic for sure.It would have made for a nice souvenir.I wish we had some down here,I bet they could survive in the glades canals.I sometimes envy you guys and girls from up north,
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Is that the gar you made that cool ring out of?
I still want one of those [  ]
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Thanks dude, I'll trade you my last ring for that guitar...I gave the other ring away to Franky, my 65year old fishing partner.Man wait till you see the bracelet I made.I could of made more but kept cuting the scales in the wrong direction causing them not to bend straight.I finally got it using trial and error,I ruined 3.I might try to glue some scales together and make one more.Or I can use spotted gar skin,I am curious to see the crushers on a spotted gar.Did you like the gar armor,my buddy shot me with aisoftgun while I had on gar armor,I did'nt feel a is pic,enjoy.I also posted a rod for the future under rod building,here is pic,I got the Idea from my neighbor who is always pointing the rod like a gun.He loves the Americans,claiming they have the best guns...,weapons....,....everything..
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I hear you on that. Those tigers will bite if they are around. I was out there camping this weekend with family and friends. I went out Friday eve, Saturday morning, Sunday eve, and this morning. Talked with several different parties on the water, and none of them used the same baits, and yet all had landed some tigers. I landed three this weekend, and missed one. But they are fun, that's for sure. I wasn't using anything fancy. Like you said, I just picked something out that I thought would work, and what do you know, to my luck it did. I caught two this morning. Not quite as big as yours, but just as fun to catch, that's for sure.
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I mean no diss guys - really. You're clearly proven anglers, and as you say - more than just bass (though you've got them dialed in purdy good!). I also like to learn a lake for myself, most I've gotten to know have been from solo trips.
I envy your Powell ventures ya'll took earlier this year. Enjoyed those posts, and I thought it was way cool you were nice enough to take Keystone & co - and show 'em 'the way of the smallies'. I'd love to get some of that hands on edification of my own.
I know there's bass in Cutler waterways, and though I've gone where I thought seemed likely, used patterns I thought would entice, I've still come up empty. So - I'll keep trying.
I do appreciate a handy-dandy TD map of a new lake, especially the bigger waterways. Hitting Willard or UL as a clean slate, I'd be skunked (ok - even with a TD map I can get skunked at Willard!!!).
I just think there's information that can be shared without giving away GPS points to a honey-hole that might help someone else get on some fish. I have realized there are things better not shared in full public disclosure, and I know the pros aren't out there 'giving it ALL away'. (plus I'd bet half the time they're just pitching their sponsors!!)
Wish I had the kinda time Ben gets to put in on his marathon trips. Good on ya bud - just keep pitching, just keep pitching.
I'll just keep looking for that big follow and monster grab!
Be cool, stay safe, and watch out for those teeth! [shocked][shocked]
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Maybe we should quizz the guides at the Gorge or lake powell about how they catch them big ones, and then criticize them for wanting money for info. I've seen first hand what some people do when you show them some tricks. It doesn't take long and the students think they have to compete with the teacher.