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Willard 4th july
Hit willard on the 4th,got on the water around noon with waves and wind blowing,went straight for the south dike to get in some calm water, started off casting to the shore for about an hour at the mouth of the south marina and my boys girl friend hooked up on a reel screamer for about 5 sec and it came unbuttoned. We continued for a while and couldn't get another bite.
My brother-in-law called me and said he had caught a few walleye in freeway bay, so we headed over there,the wind was still blowing hard and after a few passes i found where they where at and marked them on the GPS we continued to make circles threw the area and we where defiantly on the X.
My son's girl friend had the hot stick and landed these two bruisers back to back. Both where about 20-21"
[inline mybigwipers4thjuly.jpeg]
We kept having success until the wind died down and it was like someone turned off the light switch so we headed for home.
We let twice as many go as we kept and some bigger fish didn't know how to hold on. It was a fun afternoon.
When cleaning the fish all of them had empty stomachs so I a sure that is why the fishing has been so good for everyone this year.hope the shad finally spawned because there are allot of hungry fish out there.
fresh fish for dinner tonight!
[inline goodcatchwillard4thjuly2011.jpeg]

Nice report and pics Tony, I wish we had done half as good as you did. Wyoguy and I fished it last Thursday and could not find any hunger fish in freeway bay, he wanted to catch a walleye but it did not happen, just wipers. Did you have any luck with those new lures?
Didn't try them.[:/] should have after the bite died off but we had are fun and was ready to get home. The kid got really sun burned on Saturday and he was ready for some air conditioning. even though he tried to stay under cover all afternoon. PM me and i will let you know where the X was. You have fished it before.
The wife and I bottom bounced for eyes Sunday morning from 0600 till 1100 and picked up 3 eyes, 3 cats, 1 wiper and a spinning rod and reel with a big carp attached. Slowed down from a week ago for us.
If your after the eye's pm me, my brother-in-law and three of his friends also put plenty of eye's in the boat over the weekend. PM me and I will give you the info.
Nice fish! Great to see that somebody found the bigger fish on the 4th. I was thinking that maybe all of the boat traffic and jet skis had put the big ones down for the day. Looks like we left just a little too early. Great job!
nice job maybe i need to put down the big stuff for muskies and come troll up some wipes and wallys!


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