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Walleye Wagons vs Sturgeon
I have been talking about taking my Pontoon after sturgeon for a while. Today was the day. We started out at 7:00 am.

[Image: 7-9-11Atrip4.jpg]
[Image: 7-9-11Atrip2.jpg]
[Image: 7-9-11Atrip4.jpg]
[Image: 7-9-11Atrip6.jpg]

So after an hour we get to the destination.

[Image: 7-9-11Atrip5.jpg]

I would like to say that both my buddy and I got several Strugeon each but we didn't. We fished for several hours and I saw next to nothing on the fish finder. I caught a couple of squaw fish and a couple of bass on my second rod.
Then Joe yells I got one.

[Image: 7-9-11AJoe1.jpg]

I yell back I am coming. I get there and we both knew it was on the small side.

[Image: 7-9-11AJoe2.jpg]

I was excited that one of us got to hook up with a sturg.

[Image: 7-9-11AJoe3.jpg]
[Image: 7-9-11AJoe4.jpg]

Well my first trip is behind me. I am ready to go get one on for my self. I have put the smack down on Cats that were bigger than that sturg but he pulled hard for his size. I am ready for one a little bit bigger. Oh well next time.

That is awesome. Did you have an anchor to maintain your position or were you in slack water? That will be something when you hook up with a big one.

We drifted with the current. I do that when I am Catfishing. I try to put on a little of weight as I can and let the water drift it and me around. We were just getting ready to make another drift through the hole when Joe got this one right at the top of the hole.

that looks like it could be a blast! was that pillar falls?
Yes it is. I was thinking that a lot of the fish below could have went up the falls a month ago. Now I really think they might have. We should have found more than this little guy. Ron

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